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Trick or treat (InAWorldMusic)
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A song for children about trick or treating. Features puppet children and puppet goblins singing about the best night of the year for candy... Halloween. A fun, innocent song and video to sing and dance along with.

Trick or treat
Trick or treat
Trick or treat...

When the sun goes down
You can hear this sound
Trick or treat
Trick or treat

All night long
You can hear our song
Trick or treat
Trick or treat

We're all dressed up
With our costumes on
We'll keep on trick-or-treating
Till the candy's gone
Trick or treat
Trick or treat
Trick or treat
Trick or treat

We ring the bell
And give a knock on the door
Please, give us some treats
That's what we've come here for
Trick or treat
Trick or treat

Hear us snap and shout
When the moon comes out
Trick or treat
Trick or treat

All night long
You can hear our song
Trick or treat
Trick or treat

You can't scare us
We have no fear
Candy comes free
Only once a year
Trick or treat
Trick or treat
Trick or treat
Trick or treat

We gonna ring the bell
And give a knock on the door
Please, give us some treats
That's what we've come here for
We'll knock once more
Hear the doorbell ring
And when the door opens
Together we'll sing
Trick or treat!

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