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People song (Kidsinglish)
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A nice song to learn some professions.

I see a fire fighter fighting fires,
I see a car mechanic changing tires,
I see a pilot flying through the air,
I see a barber cutting people's hair,
I see the people in my town and I say,
"Hey brother, what's going down?"

I see a postman with the mail,
I see the police putting folk in jail,
I see a lifeguard at the swimming pool,
I see the teachers in the local schools,
I see the people in my town and I say,
"Hey brother, what's going down?"

Doctors, nurses, astronauts, judges, lawyers, In the courts,

I see an actor acting on the stage,
I see a writer writing on a page,
I see a chef working in a restaurant,
And a waiter asking what you want,
I see the people in my town and I say.
"Hey brother, what's going down?"

Doctors, nurses, astronauts, judges, lawyers, In the courts,
I see the people in my town and I say,
"Hey brother, what's going down?" I say, "hey brother, what's going down?"

© Angel Castaño 2008 Salamanca / Poole - free videos to learn real English online || InfoPrivacyTerms of useContactAbout
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