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How to use 'or something' - chunks - informal conversation… (English with Cambridge)
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In informal spoken English, there are a lot of common patterns of two or more words. For example:

‘…you know…’
‘…or something…’
‘…the thing is…’

We call these chunks.

Some of these may not work in formal writing, but native speakers use them a lot in informal, social English. Using them in conversations can help you sound more fluent. Can you hear the chunks in these real conversations?

In informal spoken English, there are a lot of common patterns of two or more words. For example:
‘…you know…’
‘…or something…’
‘…the thing is…’
We call these chunks.
Some of these may not work in formal writing, but native speakers use them a lot in informal, social English. Using them in conversations can help you sound more fluent. Can you hear the chunks in this real conversation?

(continue with the subtitles)

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