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Job Interviews in English | English Language Learning Tips (English with Cambridge)
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In this clip learn skills to prepare for a job interview in English, content useful for all exams.

Hello, my name's Jared. Today we're going to look at tips for job interviews in English.

First, practise! You only get a few minutes to impress the interview panel, so make sure that you practise the answers to common interview questions.

  • Ask a friend to play the role of an interviewer.
  • Answer the questions and get some feedback from your friend.
  • Try again until you're happy with your responses.

Next, make sure that you research the company you are applying to.

  • If you know someone who already works there, maybe you could ask them about working for the company.
  • If you don't know anyone, you could do some online research to find out what kind of company they are.

Also, research the latest developments in the relevant business area. This sort of information will really impress the interviewers and also show that you have initiative.

Our next tip is to look the part. Appearances do matter in a job interview. It is important that you look smart and professional. Make sure your clothes are appropriate. First appearances are important. Make sure that you smile and make eye contact with the interviewers. Don't forget to speak clearly, and not too fast. Give yourself time to think about your responses.

Lastly, don't forget to ask questions too.

  • This shows that you're genuinely interested in the position and the company.
  • Do ask questions about professional development and career prospects, for example.

If you're hoping to use English for work, a Cambridge English Business certificate could help you succeed. To find out more, visit our website.

Good luck with getting that job. Thanks for watching.

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