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Phonetics with M-E

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Sid and Sue's Story (Linguaspectrum)
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This is a Video English Lesson for Advanced students and above. It will help you with your listening, pronunciation and especially to improve your phonetics reading.

This is the story of Sue the sewer and Sid the sewer man.
/ ðɪs ɪz ðə ˈstɔː.ri əv sjuː ðə ˈsəʊə ən sɪd ðə ˈsjuːə mæn /

The story is rich in homophones, homonyms and terribly taxing tongue twisters.
/ ðə ˈstɔː.riː ɪz rɪtʃ ɪn ˈhɒ.mə.fəʊnz / ˈhɒ.mə.nɪmz ən ˈte.rə.bli ˈtæks.ɪŋ tʌŋ ˈtwɪ.stəz /

It will help you with the verbs to sew and to sow and also the nouns, sewer and sewer, among other things.
/ ɪt wəl help ju wɪð ðə vɜːbz tə səʊ ən tə səʊ ən ˈɔːl.səʊ ðə naʊnz / ˈsəʊə ən ˈsjuːə / ə.ˈmʌŋ ˈʌð.ə ˈθɪŋz /

So, let's begin...
/ ˈsəʊ / lets bɪ.ˈɡɪn /


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