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Communiqué (Dire Straits)
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Mark Knopfler sings Communiqué in Dire Strait's album of the same name released in 1979.

They want to get a statement for jesus' sake
It's like a talking to the wall
He's incommunicado no comment to make
He's saying nothing at all

But in the communique you know he's gonna come clean
Think what he say
Say what he means
Maybe on Monday he got something to say


Maybe he could talk about the tricks of the trade
Maybe he could talk about himself
Maybe he could talk about the money that he made
Maybe he'd be saying something else

But in the communique you know he's gonna come clean
Think what he say,
Say what he means
Maybe on monday he got something to say


And now the rumors are flying
Speculation rising
Say that he's been trying someone else's wife
Somebody at the airport
Somebody on the phone
Says he's at the station and he's coming on the noon
Then we get the story a serious breeze
And a photograph taken in the hall
You don't have to worry with the previous release
Right now, he's saying nothing at all
But in the communique you know he's gonna come clean
Think what he say
Say what he means
Maybe on Monday he got something to say


According to Michael Oldfield in his 1984 illustrated history of the band to date, "Communiqué" is a journalist's song, littered with newspaper expressions and clichés. This is hardly surprising because prior to moving to the capital to play in a Rock band, songwriter and lead guitarist Mark Knopfler worked as a reporter on the Yorkshire Evening Post in Leeds.

Maybe he's just reflecting on the press's pursuit of reluctant celebrities or something.

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