Phonetics with M-E

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Could we start again, please? (Jesus Christ Superstar)
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When Jesus was arrested all his disciples felt utterly confused and lost. Jesus was the Messiah, the king, the most powerful, and suddenly he's arrested and probably sentenced to death. What went wrong? Was it all a mistake?

This song expresses that state of confusion, when Mary Magdalene, Peter and all the other disciples pray for it all to be just a dream and have the chance to start again... please.

From the musical movie "Jesus Christ Superstar" (1973)

I've been living to see you.
Dying to see you, but it shouldn't be like this.
This was unexpected,
What do I do now?
Could we start again please?
I've been very hopeful, so far.
Now for the first time, I think we're going wrong.
Hurry up and tell me,
This is just a dream.
Oh, could we start again please?

I think you've made your point now.
You've even gone a bit too far to get the message home.
Before it gets too frightening,
We ought to call a halt,
So could we start again please?

I've been living to see you.
Dying to see you, but it shouldn't be like this.
This was unexpected,
What do I do now?
Could we start again please?
I think you've made your point now.
You've even gone a bit too far to get the message home.
Before it gets too frightening,
We ought to call a halt,
So could we start again please?
Could we start again please? (Repeat 5 times)

Could we start again?

SO FAR= Until now.

YOU'VE MADE YOUR POINT= You have proved/explained your idea.

YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR= You made an excess, you broke the limits.

GET THE MESSAGE HOME= Convince people / explain your ideas to people.

OUGHT TO= Should

CALL A HALT= Put an end to it. Stop it.



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