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Good To Be Alive (Jason Gray)
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A song to help you remember what life is for.

Hold on
Is this really the life I am living?
Cause I don't feel like I deserve it
Every day that I wake
Every breath that I take You've given

So right here, right now
While the sun is shining down

I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
Love like I'm on borrowed time
It's good to be alive

Hold on
If the life that we've been given
Is made beautiful in the living
And the joy that we get brings joy to the heart of the giver

Then right here, right now
This is the song I'm singing out

I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
Love like I'm on borrowed time
It's good to be alive

I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
Love like I'm on borrowed time
It's good to be alive

I won't take it for granted
I won't waste another second
All I want is to give You
A life well lived to say, thank you

I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
Love like I'm on borrowed time
It's good to be, it's good to be alive

I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
Love like I'm on borrowed time
It's good to be alive

I won't take it for granted
I won't waste another second
All I want is to give You
A life well lived to say, thank you

Jason Gray is a Contemporary Christian Music singer, so the YOU in this song is God. The song is a moment when the singer is pondering about his life and he decides that he must change his ways to live life better, and that means mostly two things:

1- Living life fully, that means especially loving as much as possible.

I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
Love like I'm on borrowed time

2-appreciating it as a wonderful gift from God, so he wants to live a good life to say Thanks to He who gave it to him in the first place, his Creator.

All I want is to give You
A life well lived to say, thank you

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