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I'm not yours (Angus & Julia Stone) (Australia)
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A wonderful (although sad) song about love, decepcion... and definitively 'bout real life. So heartbreaking...! The animation is amazing too. Enjoy it!

("Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most.").

Light me up a cigarette and put it in my mouth
You’re the only one that wants me around
And I can think of a thousand reasons why
I don’t believe in you, I don’t believe in you and I

Light me up a cigarette and put it in my mouth
You’re the only one that wants me to die
And I can think of a thousand reasons why
I don’t believe in you, I don’t believe in you

I’m not yours anymore
I’m not yours anymore
No, I’m not yours anymore
I’m not yours anymore

Jump into your white mobile and run away
You’re always leaving me behind
And I can think of a thousand reasons why
I don’t believe in you, I don’t believe in you and I

I’m not yours anymore
I’m not yours anymore
No, I, I’m not yours anymore
I’m not yours anymore

Light me up a cigarette and put it in my mouth
You;re the only one that wants me around
And I can think of a thousand reasons why
I don’t believe in you, I don’t believe in you and I

I’m not yours anymore
I’m not yours anymore
No, I, I’m not yours anymore
No, I, I’m not yours anymore, anymore

Light me up a cigarette and put it in my mouth
You’re the only one that wants me around
And I can think of a thousand reasons why
I don’t believe in you, I don’t believe in you and I

I’m not yours anymore
I’m not yours anymore
I’m not yours anymore
I’m not yours anymore

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