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Lead us to truth (GI) (black)
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A dynamic song to lift your spirits up.

You can see a flash mob made in Georgia using this same song here: Jesus Loves You -flash mob.

Ooh, ooooh
We've been deceived by what we see on the TV
The lights, camera, the action is smokescreen
But the truth that lies underneath
Is opposing the God that we say we need

Don't be so easily misguided
By the clever schemes and disguises
Look a little deeper
And you will discover
Reflection of another
Jesus is the keeper

Jesus, show us the way that leads to you
Go, go, go...
Don't wanna stray
Lead us to truth

In this society we're plagued with confusion
The face value is only an illusion
But the knowledge of reality's delusion
Help me form my ultimate conclusion

No more following and, listening to what they say?
They're not the real authority anyway

Look a little deeper
Then you will discover
Reflection of another
Jesus is the keeper

Jesus, show us the way that leads to you
(Go, go, go)
Don't want to stray
Lead us to truth
Show us the way that leads to you
Don't want to stray (don't wanna go astray)
Lead us to truth

Oooh, oooh
Oooh, Lord we need the truth
Oooh, oooh
Ooooh, coz Lord, we need you
Oooh, oooh
Oooh, Lord, we need the truth
Oooh, oooh
Ooooh, coz Lord we need you

Jesus, show us the way that leads to you
(Go, go, go...)
Don't wanna stray
Lead us to truth
Show us the way that leads to you
Don't wanna stray
Lead us to truth

Oooh, oooh
Oooh, oooh
Oooh, oooh
Oooh, oooh
Coz Lord, we need the truth
Go, go, go...
Lord, we need the truth
Go, go, go...
Oooh, oooh...

Here you will learn a lot of vocabulary about deception, about trying to make people believe the wrong things.

DECEIVED= If you are deceived, they fool you, they make you believe something unreal, untrue.

SMOKESCREEN= Literally, this is a screen of smoke, a mass of dense artificial smoke used by the military to hide from the enemy and create confusion. But we also use this expression figuratively to talk about actions they do or things they say destined to hide their real intentions, designed to deceive us.

UNDERNEATH= Below, under it. The truth that lies under something is the real thing that lies behind the false appearances of something.

OPPOSING THE GOD...= Contrary to God.
Here we use the article because we are not simply talking about God, but specifying an aspect of God; he's talking about "the God we say we need", that precise concept of God. We can use "the" in a similar way with any other noun, proper or common:
- The Alice that I met yesterday is very different from the Alice I used to know when we were friends back in school (here we're not talking about different people, but about different moments in the life of a person, Alice, who has changed)
- The sun that I need is a mild warming sun, not this hot blazing sun that's killing me (here I'm not talking about two different suns, only about two different descriptions of the sun)

MISGUIDED= To misguide is to guide wrongly, to take you to the wrong place or to make you believe the wrong things.
The prefix MIS- means "bad, wrong", as in: misspelled (spelled wrongly), misunderstand (understand the wrong thing), mispronounce (make a mistake in the pronunciation), misuse (use in the wrong way), etc.

SCHEME= /ski:m/ A plan of action. But we often use this word with a negative connotation, as if there is a secret plan designed to deceive you.

DISGUISES= A disguise is clothes that you wear to have a different appearance, either for fun or to deceive other people into believing you are a different person.

LOOK A LITTLE DEEPER= If you look deeper into something you investigate it, you gather more information about it.

REFLECTION OF ANOTHER= A reflection (in BrE also "reflexion") is when the light or something bounces from a surface, like when the sun produces a reflection on a window or your image is reflected on the mirror. The complete sentence says "Look a little deeper, then you will discover reflection of another" ("another", pronoun, = another "person"). This is metaphorical. Just as when you look into a pond or a bit of water, supposedly you can see your own reflection. The song is saying, if you search deeper inside yourself, you may even see the 'reflection' or 'being' of somebody else. In the context of this song, this "somebody else" would be Jesus/God. So if you look deep inside your soul, you'll find God there.

KEEPER= The person who keeps something, who has it with them or in a safe and controlled place. Here they use this word referring to Jesus. When we say that Jesus is the Keeper, depending on the context (and there's no particular context here) it may refer to the metaphor that Jesus is the keeper of the keys of heaven (that his doctrine is the key to enter eternal life), or also that he is the keeper of the flock, if we refer to the figure of Jesus as "the Good Shepherd" who makes every possible effort to keep all the sheep in his flock safe (his flock is figuratively anyone who decides to follow him, and "safe" in a spiritual way, not in a physical way) (literally, a flock is a group of certain animals, like sheep).

WANNA= (coll.) Want to.

STRAY= To stray is to get lost. If we're talking in a spiritual sense, to stray, to get lost, is to live life in the wrong way, to get the wrong believes about what life is, to do evil things.

PLAGUED= /pleɪgd/ If you are plagued with something, you have or receive a great number of it (always in a bad sense, since literally a "plague" is a disease, often mortal, that spreads quickly and affects many people in an area, and The Plague, or Black Death, was a plague that devastated Europe in the 14th century and reduced the population to one third in just a few years)
- This place is plagued with flies in the summer (there are lots and lots of flies here in summer, which is very annoying)
- She's always plagued with problems (she has many many problems, probably more than she can handle)

THE FACE VALUE= The face value of something is the monetary worth of it, its value equivalent in money. But in a figurative sense, if we take somebody at face value, we value somebody based only on their appearance, so we may easily be wrong, and if we take something at face value, we consider only its literal sense, so we are probably making the wrong interpretation of it. In any case, "the face value" here is used to express, once again, a deception, something which is not the real truth, only a misleading appearance.

ILLUSION= [careful with this word, Spanish speakers] An illusion is something which is not true, it's a wrong perception of reality.
- He is completely sure that he's going to win the race, but it's just an illusion, there are some racers much faster than him.
- The mountains in the desert looked as if they were trembling and moving. That's an optical illusion produced by the intense heat.

DELUSION= This word is similar in meaning to the word "illusion". If you believe in something which is an illusion, you are deluded, it's only a delusion. The difference is that an illusion is something that happens or is there, and you just misinterpret it, but a delusion is something more active, someone (maybe yourself) wants you to get the wrong idea, to deceive you into believing something which is not true.
- Of course she doesn't love you, she's only trying to delude you because she wants your money.

HELP ME FORM= It should be "helps me" (the subject of the sentence is "the knowledge of reality's delusion"), but in colloquial English (esp. in black AmE) the 3rd person singular –S may disappear. The verb "help" may be followed by infinitive with or without to ("help me do it" = "help me to do it")

ULTIMATE= Fundamental, final.

LISTENING= He pronounces the T and a very weak N, which is far from the standard pronunciation of /lɪsnɪŋ/

EASY!= (coll.) Relax!

GO ASTRAY= To go away from the right path (to go astray is the same as "to stray").

COZ= (coll. also spelled 'cause or "cuz" in AmE) Because.

LORD= God.

This song is trying to warn us against all the wrong messages that society (especially the mass media) are constantly sending to us. If we want to know what life really is about and live it in the right way, we must stop believing all those misleading messages we receive all the time. Since this is a Christian song, the alternative to all those wrong messages is Jesus' teachings; his message is the right thing. So thinking of all those deluded and misguided, the singers ask God to show them the truth and lead them (all of us) in the correct direction, to Him.

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