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Renegades (X Ambassadors)
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X Ambassadors (also stylised XA) is an American alternative rock band from Ithaca, New York.

The group consists of four band members: Sam Harris (lead vocals, guitar, saxophone), Casey Harris (keyboard), Noah Feldshuh (guitar) and Adam Levin (drums). Sam Harris and Casey Harris are brothers, and have been friends with Feldshuh since kindergarten in Ithaca. Sam met Levin while attending the New School in New York City in 2006. Casey Harris has been blind since birth.

You can watch the lyrics video here.

"My name is Bettina Dolinsek and I was born blind. Growing up blind, you were not expected do much and I wanna be expected to do what everybody else is expected to do. I've always loved athletics, I've always wanted to be part of a team. The only modification that has been made is in demonstrating how to do showing me exactly what the move looks like, instead of doing it visually, I do it tactiley.

-It's definitely close...
-How high would you say...ish. Like to your body?
-Waist? Okay.
-Waist level. OK. So I'm going for...
-Take a wild stab at it.
-You think it's a bench?
-Ah, likely.
-Wanna see? I wanna see.

It's not a matter of enjoying it more or less, it's about enjoying it differently, you know? It's enjoying it through...through different vision, through another lens."

Run away with me
Lost souls in revelry
Running wild and running free
Two kids, you and me

And I said hey
Hey, hey, hey
Living like we're renegades
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Living like we're renegades
Renegades, renegades

Long live the pioneers
Rebels and mutineers
Go forth and have no fear
Come close and lend an ear

And I said hey
Hey, hey, hey
Living like we're renegades
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Living like we're renegades
Renegades, renegades

So, all hail the underdogs
All hail the new kids
All hail the outlaws
Spielbergs and Kubricks

It's our time to make a move
It's our time to make amends
It's our time to break the rules
Let's begin...

And I said hey
Hey, hey, hey
Living like we're renegades
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Living like we're renegades
Renegades, renegades.

RUN AWAY= To flee, to escape.

LOST SOULS= People who have no direction in their life.

REVELRY= /'revlrɪ/ Noisy and lively festivity; loud partying.

RUNNING WILD= To grow unchecked; to behave with no control.

RENEGADES= Rebels, outlaws. They live their lives wildly, insouciant, on the edge and venturous, which akins to the lifestyle of renegades.

LONG LIVE= A cheer in support of something (e.g. "Long live the King!" = "Up with the king!").

PIONEER= /paɪə'nɪə/ An innovator or developer of something new.

REBEL= Somebody who resists or defies authority or conventions.

MUTINEER= /mju:tɪ'nɪə/ One who takes part in a mutiny, in a rebellion; a rebel.

GO FORTH= (Military) Set out, go away from a place.

LEND AN EAR= (Idiom) To listen carefully and in a friendly way to someone, especially someone who is telling you about a problem.

ALL HAIL= (Interjection) An archaic greeting or salutation. (Literally) All health to someone.

UNDERDOG= /'ʌndədɒg/ Expected loser. A competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or contest.

NEW KID= A newcomer, a new arrival; a person who is new to a situation or activity. Usually in the expression 'new kid on the block'.

OUTLAW= A  person who has broken the law, especially one who remains at large or is a fugitive.

MAKE A MOVE= (Informal) To leave.

MAKE AMENDS= To compensate for a wrong.

BREAK THE RULES= To do something in an unconventional way.

The song was leveraged as a commercial tie-in with the release of the Jeep Renegade.

The music video was released in June 2015 and was shot in the band's hometown of Ithaca, New York. It depicts several people with disabilities working to overcome their challenges. It had a personal aspect to it, since band member Casey Harris has been blind since birth.

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