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Renegades (X Ambassadors)
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A song about movement, speed, and the determination to navigate away from heartbreak and the constraints of small-town status quo. Like an ode to the misfits and adventurers.

The song was made explicitly for the purpose of a commercial tie-in with the 2015 Jeep Renegade.

You can check the official vid here.

Run away with me
Lost souls in revelry
Running wild and running free
Two kids, you and me

And I said hey
Hey, hey, hey
Living like we're renegades
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Living like we're renegades
Renegades, renegades

Long live the pioneers
Rebels and mutineers
Go forth and have no fear
Come close and lend an ear

And I said hey
Hey, hey, hey
Living like we're renegades
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Living like we're renegades
Renegades, renegades

So, all hail the underdogs
All hail the new kids
All hail the outlaws
Spielbergs and Kubricks

It's our time to make a move
It's our time to make amends
It's our time to break the rules
Let's begin...

And I said hey
Hey, hey, hey
Living like we're renegades
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Living like we're renegades
Renegades, renegades.

RUN AWAY= To flee, to escape.

LOST SOULS= People who have no direction in their life.

REVELRY= /'revlrɪ/ Noisy and lively festivity; loud partying.

RUNNING WILD= To grow unchecked; to behave with no control.

RENEGADES= Rebels, outlaws. They live their lives wildly, insouciant, on the edge and venturous, which akins to the lifestyle of renegades.

LONG LIVE= A cheer in support of something (e.g. "Long live the King!" = "Up with the king!").

PIONEER= /paɪə'nɪə/ An innovator or developer of something new.

REBEL= Somebody who resists or defies authority or conventions.

MUTINEER= /mju:tɪ'nɪə/ One who takes part in a mutiny, in a rebellion; a rebel.

GO FORTH= (Military) Set out, go away from a place.

LEND AN EAR= (Idiom) To listen carefully and in a friendly way to someone, especially someone who is telling you about a problem.

ALL HAIL= (Interjection) An archaic greeting or salutation. (Literally) All health to someone.

UNDERDOG= /'ʌndədɒg/ Expected loser. A competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or contest.

NEW KID= A newcomer, a new arrival; a person who is new to a situation or activity. Usually in the expression 'new kid on the block'.

OUTLAW= A  person who has broken the law, especially one who remains at large or is a fugitive.

MAKE A MOVE= (Informal) To leave.

MAKE AMENDS= To compensate for a wrong.

BREAK THE RULES= To do something in an unconventional way.

The band is fronted by Casey’s brother Sam, who states: “This video is about people who defy the odds; who, when all the cards seem to have been stacked against them, still find ways to accomplish incredible things. My brother is one of those people. We chose to include his story in this video because he is an inspiration to all of us in the band. *Casey is a constant reminder to me of how important it is to embrace what makes you different and to not let anything get in the way of doing what you want to do".

*Casey Harris, the keyboard player in the band, who has been blind since birth.

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