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BASIC Countries and Nationalities (ELF Learning)

3-B) Countries and Nationalities
Activity SmartMemo
Activity SmartMemo
Learn the most important countries and their nationalities in English.

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1- Look at the country and think of its nationality 2- Move your mouse over the black button to check your answer. 3- If you were right, click on the green button, if wrong, click on the red.


Item Match Pronunciation Comments
America American /əmerɪkə - əmerɪkən/
Australia Australian /ɒstrlɪə - ɒstrlɪən/
Canada Canadian /kænədə - kəndɪən/
China Chinese /tʃnə - tʃaɪni:z/
England English /ɪŋglənd - ɪŋglɪʃ/
Europe European /jɔ:rəʊp - jɔ:rəʊpɪən/
France French /frɑ:ns - frentʃ/
Germany German /dʒɜ:*mənɪ - dʒɜ:*mən/
India Indian /ɪndɪə -ɪndɪən/
Ireland Irish /aɪələnd - aɪərɪʃ/ AmE: /aɪrlənd - rɪʃ/
Italy Italian /ɪtəlɪ - ɪtælɪən/
Mexico Mexican /meksɪkəʊ - meksɪkən/
Portugal Portuguese /pɔ:*tʃəgəl - pɔ:tʃəgi:z/
Scotland Scottish /skɒtlənd - skɒtɪʃ/
Spain Spanish /speɪn - spænɪʃ/
The USA American /ðə ju: es eɪ - əmerɪkən/
United Kingdom British /ju:ntɪd kɪŋdəm - brɪtɪʃ/
Total number of items: 17
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