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Activity Drag&Drop
Activity Drag&Drop
Practise the difference between ALREADY and YET.

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Click on the words at the bottom and drag them into the empty boxes of the sentence to complete it. Sometimes more than one option is correct, but you must CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION.

NOTE: The word YET goes at the end of the sentence and ALREADY goes in mid position. ALREADY can also go at the end for emphasis. Nevertheless, since this excercise only admits one possibility, stick to the normal mid-position "already" except when showing big surprise (we'll use "!?" to mark it), then put it at the end.

ALREADY is usually found in mid-position (before normal verbs, after special verbs: modals and auxiliaries) but we can put it at the end for emphasis.  YET always goes at the end
- I'm already tired
- She has arrived already!
- I'm not tired yet
- She hasn't arrived yet

ALREADY is used in affirmative sentences and YET in negative sentences

- I have already finished
- I haven't finished yet

ALREADY / YET in questions

We can use both in questions, but the meaning is a bit different. YET simply asks if something has happened or we still have to wait. ALREADY knows that something has happened, it simply expresses surprise because it happened sooner than expected.

- Has the doctor arrived yet?  - No, not yet, but you can wait for him, he will arrive in a few minutes.
- Your father is here already?! I thought the train arrived at 10:30 and it's only 9:45!

- have you finished yet?  (come on, I'm waiting!)
- have you already finished?  (wow, you're so fast!)
- have you finished already!? (oh wow! I can't believe it!!)



Gapped text Items
I have ______________________ finished ______________________, I can help you if you want. already / yet / --
Were you waiting for Mr Cooper? He's ______________________ here ______________________. already / yet / --
Oh, it's ______________________ 10 o'clock, we're late! yet / already
They don't want to have more children, they ______________________ have two ______________________ and they think that's enough. -- / yet / already
Have you ______________________ seen that movie ______________________!? Where? It's not out in the cinemas yet! already / yet / --
Have you ______________________ seen that movie ______________________? We can go to the cinema together, I'm free next Saturday. yet / -- / already
I haven't ______________________ finished ______________________, can you help me? yet / already / --
They don't ______________________ have any children ______________________, they got married only two months ago. yet / -- / already
They don't want to have more children, they ______________________ have 3 ______________________. already / yet / --
You ______________________ got married ______________________?! But you only met three months ago! Isn't it a bit too soon? yet / already / --
Kevin ______________________ bought the house ______________________? I thought he was going to visit several houses before he made a decision! already / -- / yet
It's not ______________________ too late ______________________, we can have another drink. -- / already / yet
I'm not ______________________ hungry ______________________. Can we have dinner a bit later? -- / already / yet
I can't go to university, I haven't ______________________ finished my secondary school ______________________. But next year, I will. already / -- / yet
Have you ______________________ finished everything ______________________? Sorry, I wanted to help you but I couldn't come earlier. -- / yet / already
Have you ______________________ fallen in love with her ______________________? You haven't seen her in two days and you look so sad. yet / already / --
Has the party ______________________ started ______________________? I don't want to be late. -- / yet / already
I haven't seen you for years! Have you ______________________ got married ______________________ or are you still single? yet / -- / already
You've got a wedding ring. Have you ______________________ got married ______________________? Congratulations! yet / -- / already
I don't know what time it is, can you tell me if the train from Barcelona has ______________________ arrived ______________________? yet / -- / already
Total number of items: 20
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