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Level: Easy

Future tense: Going to

Future tense: Going to review
items: 83
Free Activity
Level: Very simple


Play this game to practice word order with adverbs of frequency.
items: 71
Free Activity
Level: Easy

Prepositions of place: AT ON IN

Let's practice the use of the prepositions of place AT ON IN
items: 30
Free Activity
Level: Very simple

Frequency Adverbs: position

The adverbs of frequency: position.
items: 168
Free Activity
Level: Easy

Frequency adverbs: position

Practise how to put adverbs of frequency in the right place inside the sentence.
items: 132
Free Activity
Level: Medium

Verb + infinitive and ing

Practise the constructions of verbs which can be followed by infinitive and by -ing.
items: 25
Free Activity
Level: Medium

Verb + Object + Verb patterns

Let's practise the construction: verb + object + verb, when the second verb may be an infinitive…
items: 25
Free Activity
Level: Easy

Basic verb patters

Practise the 3 basic verb patterns with the most common verbs. Verbs followed by infinitive…
items: 26
Free Activity
Level: Medium

Reported Speech

Practise how to report the words somebody said.
items: 26
Free Activity
Level: Medium

Passive Voice: special cases

Let's practise advanced passive voice. See the active sentence and think of the most probable…
items: 25
Free Activity
Level: Easy

Passive Voice

Practise changing active sentences into passive sentences.
items: 25
Free Activity
Level: Medium

Talking about the Future: other forms

Are we promising, offering, predicting...? See if you can tell the difference.
items: 27
Free Activity
Level: Easy

Talking about the Future

Complete the sentences using the best verb form to talk ABOUT THE FUTURE in that particular…
items: 35
Free Activity
Level: Medium

Present Perfect: special uses

You will have to choose between the Present Perfect and the Simple Past tense to complete…
items: 30
Free Activity
Level: Easy

Present Perfect vs Simple Past

Here you have sentences talking about the past, see if we must use the simple past or the…
items: 59
Free Activity
Level: Medium

Present Perfect: uses

In this sentences you will have to choose which tense best completes, present perfect or simple…
items: 29
Free Activity
Level: Medium

Present Perfect Continuous

See if it is better to use the present perfect simple or continuous in the following examples.
items: 10
Free Activity
Level: Very simple

Present Simple tense

We use PRESENT SIMPLE tense to talk about general action, habitual action,general truth.
items: 11
Video Page
Level: Very simple

Present Simple - YES/NO QUESTIONS

Correct pattern of YES/NO answer questions.
items: 10
Video Page
Level: Easy

Present Simple - WH- QUESTIONS

Correct pattern WH-(question words) answer questions.
items: 10
Video Page
Level: Easy

How Often? - Adverbs of frequency

Most common frequency adverbs: Always, usually, ofgten, sometimes, never.
items: 15
Video Page
Level: Easy

Superlative sentences: IN or OF?

When comparing with a group, a superlative sentence can use IN or OF, depending on the situation.…
items: 20
Free Activity
Level: Easy

Comparatives: form

Practise the form and spelling of the comparative adjectives and adverbs
items: 72
Free Activity
Level: Easy

Grading comparatives and superlatives

Grading comparatives and superlatives
items: 15
Free Activity
Level: Medium


Practise the superlative form and its sentence construction
items: 30
Free Activity

6 pages

Total activities: 132
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