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How to express contrast (but, although, in spite of) |
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Activity SmartMemo
Activity SmartMemo
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It's very strange, but I like it
Although/though it's very strange, I like it
This connector may be emphasized by putting "even" before: EVEN THOUGH
Even though it's very strange, I like it
ALTHOUGH and THOUGH mean exactly the same and are used the same, but THOUGH is more informal and more common when talking, and ALTHOUGH is more formal and more common when writing. Notice that (AL)THOUGH and BUT are both conjunctions and mean the same, but they go with different sentences:
A but B (BUT can never go at the beginning of the sentence)
B although A / Although B, A
IN SPITE OF (followed by a noun phrase or -ing)
She's sleeping like a log in spite of the noise
He was elected president in spite of his young age
If we want a sentence with a verb then we can’t use the preposition "in spite of", we need a conjunction like "(al)though".
Although he is very young, he was elected president
But we can use IN SPITE OF + ING (because -ing can be the noun-form of a verb)
In spite of loving her, he thought it was best to leave
We didn't want to buy the house in spite of having enough money
He stayed in bed in spite of feeling better (in spite of + ing)
He stayed in bed although he felt better (although + subject + verb)
For Spanish Speakers
BUT (c) = pero
(AL)THOUGH (c) = aunque, a pesar de que
IN SPITE OF (p) = a pesar de (followed by a noun phrase)
Item | Match | Comments |
A pesar de comer mucho, está delgado | In spite of eating a lot, he is slim | |
A pesar de la lluvia nos fuimos andando | In spite of the rain we went walking | |
A pesar de que estaba lloviendo, fuimos andando | Although it was raining, we went walking |
also: Though it was raining... (informal) |
A pesar de vivir muy lejos, nos vemos muy a menudo | In spite of living very far away, we see each other very otten | |
A pesar del tráfico llegué a tiempo | In spite of the traffic I arrived on time | |
Aunque es negro, no es de África | Although he's black, he's not from Africa | |
Aunque esté cansado iré contigo | Although I'm tired, I'll go with you |
also: Though I'm tired... (informal) |
Aunque no entendía nada, yo seguí sonriendo | Although I didn't understand a word, I kept smiling |
also: Though I didn't... (informal) |
Aún la recuerdo a pesar de los años | I still remember her in spite of the years | |
Creo que es verdad, a pesar de que no pueda demostrarlo (enfático) | I think it's true, even though I can't prove it | |
Ella estaba durmiendo a pesar de todo ese ruido | She was sleeping in spite of all that noise | |
Ella no me miró, aunque me conocía | She didn't look at me, although she knew me |
also: ... though she knew me (informal) |
Ella todavía es muy atractiva a pesar de la edad | She is still very attractive in spite of her age | |
Ella vino, pero tú no estabas aquí | She came, but you weren't here | |
Es extraño pero verídico | It's strange but true | |
Es francés, pero habla inglés muy bien | He's French, but he speaks English very well | |
Él quería comprarse otro coche a pesar de tener tres | He wanted to buy another car in spite of having three |
also: He wanted to buy another car although he had three |
Hizo un día muy bueno a pesar del viento | It was a very nice day in spite of the wind | |
Iré allí aunque esté muy lejos | I'll go there alghouth it's very far |
also: ... though it's very far (informal) |
Lo aceptaré, aunque bien sé que no es bueno | I'll accept it, even though I know it's not good | |
Me casaré contigo a pesar de tu padre | I'll marry you in spite of your father | |
No logro encontrarlo, aunque lo he buscado por todas partes | I can't find it, although I've looked for it everywhere |
also: ... though I've looked... (informal) |
Oigo un pájaro aunque no puedo verlo | I hear a bird although I can't see it |
also: ... though I can't see it (informal) |
Quiero ir, pero es muy tarde | I want to go, but it's very late | |
Sé que es muy barato, pero no lo necesito | I know it's very cheap, but I don't need it |