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Question Tags

Question Tags
Activity MasterBlaster
Activity MasterBlaster
An easy activity to practise the form of the basic question tags: present and past tense of normal and special verbs.

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You have a word and 4 options. Choose the right option.

(If the timer is on, you must choose your option before the time finishes.)


Question tags are little questions that people often use at the end of a sentence when talking. They can be used to make sure something is true/correct or to ask for agreement.

- You want coffee, don't you?
- You have seen the film, haven´t you?
- She's Irish, isn't she?

They are very common and useful because it is an easy and quick way to keep people's attention and force them to say something, so we can keep the conversation going.

- It's very cold today, isn't it?
- Oh yes, I think so.


You can only make a question tag using a special verb (modals and auxiliaries), so if the main verb in the sentence is a normal verb, then we use DO to make the question tag. But if the main verb is a special verb, we use that special verb for the question tag. The question tag will be in the same tense as the verb in the main clause.

- You like coffee, don't you?  (like: normal verb)
- You can help me, can't you?  (can: special verb)
- He is Mr Smith, isn't he ?
- They're making tea, aren't they?
- Your father will be there by ten, won't he?
- You've been to London, haven't you?
- Susan bought a new house,  didn't she?

We usually use an affirmative question tag after a negative sentence
- It isn't  very cold, is it?
- Mark can't speak French, can he?
- Your cousins didn´t come to visit us, did they?

And a negative question tag after an affirmative sentence
- It is very cold, isn't it?
- She likes this film, doesn't she?
- Your friend is going to come, isn't he?

And you must always use contractions in your question tags because a question tag without contraction sounds terribly pedantic!
- You are Tim, are you not?  (*#Ⱥʬʘᴟ₩҉ !!)


The meaning of a question tag depends on the intonation: A falling intonation is just looking for agreement, a rising intonation is a question, looking for confirmation or correction.

- Kelly will come later, won't she?
- No, I think she won't come because she was feeling ill today.

- Kelly will come later, won’t she?
- Sure, don't worry. She'll be here in a few minutes.



Question tags always use a special verb
The subject is always a pronoun, and it is inverted (because it is a question, of course)
Affirmative sentences add a negative question tag and negative sentences add an affirmative question tag


Is this too complicated for you when talking? Well, here are the good news: Native speakers often use a different kind of question tag, much more simple. In every case, they can always use RIGHT?, and that's good for every situation, so if you find it complicated, just use RIGHT? all the time and let natives do the other stuff:

- You want coffee, right?
- You have seen the film, right?
- She's Irish, right?


Item Meaning
He doesn't live near you,... does he?
He lives next to the station,... doesn't he?
He's not Mike,... is he?
He's your cousin,... isn't he?
I can help with it,... can't I?
I can't stay out here in the rain,... can I?
I don't know your parents,... do I?
I know you very well,... don't I?
Learning Chinese can be very difficult,... can't it?
Mike has married your friend Susan,... hasn't he?
She can speak Spanish,... can't she?
She can't sing opera,... can she?
She hasn't got a sister,... has she?
She was very polite,... wasn't she?
She wasn't very nice to your brother,... was she?
She wouldn't feel comfortable there,... would she?
She's got two cars,... hasn't she?
That box can't be so heavy as you say,... can it?
That day was very cold,... wasn't it?
The book wasn't too interesting after all,... was it?
The dragon breathes fire through its mouth,... doesn't it?
They came here very early,... didn't they?
They didn't say anything about the wedding,... did they?
They don't know her,... do they?
They haven't got any friends here,... have they?
They must apologise for what they said,... musn't they?
They've got a very nice house,... haven't they?
We bought it in this shop,... didn't we?
We didn't visit her on her birthday,... did we?
We don't like that,... do we?
We will be there on time,... won't we?
We won't buy that horrible car,... will we?
You are French,... aren't you?
You aren't tired? are you?
You can dance very well,... can't you?
You could get to the cinema on time,... couldn't you?
You couldn't do it yourself,... could you?
You don't like pizza,... do you?
You haven't got any friends here,... have you?
You like Italian cars,... don't you?
You mustn't be late,... must you?
You went to Toledo last year,... didn't you?
You'd like that,... wouldn't you?
You've got two brothers,... haven't you?
Your dog doesn't understand Russian,... does it?
Total number of items: 45
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