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Use These Tips to Write a Good Essay for College Application


A college application essay does not have to be long, but this essay, to a great extent, determines whether you will be accepted or rejected. However, if you are a bit strategic, you can write a pretty good one. Here are a few tips that will help you write a good essay for college.


1. Read the instructions

Reading the instructions is of utmost importance. However, students tend to forget this simple thing due to their stress and excitement during this time.

There is a reason why the instructions mention word limits and other requirements. Admissions officers actually know the psychology of following instructions. The university wants to see that you are able to follow instructions. The ability to follow instructions determines whether you are qualified for the program.


2. Write a compelling introduction

Great writing requires some strategy. Writing a compelling introduction is important because the introduction is the part that can seduce or repulse your readers. In order to hold the attention of your readers, you have to make the first part of your essay as intriguing as possible.

Remember, the admission officer is not going to spend a lot of time reading your essay if the first sentence does not hold water. In the introduction, tell your readers what you are going to say in the essay. Make great essays begin with an interesting story or anecdote. Also, make sure that the introduction, in some way, shows your personality.

As we have already mentioned, producing an essay is not easy. There are many admission seekers who do not have enough skill or time to write their admission essays. These students are using professional writing services these days.


3. Avoid clichés

To get some inspiration, you can read great essays and try to understand what elements make them great. However, do not allow yourself to be too much influenced by the essays you read. Note that there are lots of over-used words and phrases that have lost their appeal. Try not to use them in your essay.

It is important to remember that you are competing with thousands of students who are trying to get into the same university. In order to distinguish yourself from your competitors, you have to write a college paper with fresh insights.

Reread your essay. If you find clichés in your writing, replace them with expressions that actually add value to your essay. Admissions officers will look for something unique in your essay. Think and figure out what you have to offer.


4. Find your writing voice

What do universities look for in students? Well, they apparently look for authenticity and creativity. That is why you have to look deep into yourself and figure out what qualities make you unique. In order to find your writing voice, you have to listen to your inner voice. 

Your personality is not just about who you are; it is also about who you want to be. However, you are not expected discuss your ambitions explicitly. Find an implicit and creative way to do that.


5. Support your ideas with facts

The whole point of asking students to write college application essays is to figure out how they think. That is why you have to make sure that your essay is a window to your mind. Using facts in your writing is one of the effective ways to show that you have a rational mind. Apart from that, here are some other practical steps to do that.

Whatever your main idea or argument is, make sure that the entire essay supports that viewpoint. Relate the essay question to your personality. Find a specific angle. Even if are using a college essay writing service, provide the writer with enough information about yourself.

Do not just state something. Support it with facts. If appropriate, feel free to provide examples from your personal experience.


6. Get your essay proofread by someone

Reread your essay to find typos and grammatical errors. If possible, find someone else to do that. The reason is simple: it is always hard to find errors in your own writing. You can use a spell checker to find typos. However, relying entirely on the tool is not a good idea at all. There is no alternative to a human proofreader.

Be always open to new suggestions. Be humble to the person who points out weak parts in your essay. Keep working on the essay until you think that the piece is immaculate. Patience plays a huge role in writing an essay.


Final thoughts

Writing is one of the hardest things to teach and learn. It directly shows who you are. And at the end of the day, writing is something deeply connected to your personal taste.

With that said, writing is also a skill that can be improved. If you try in the right way, you will definitely notice a difference in the quality of your writing. We hope you will follow these tips and find your way with words.

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