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8-E) Irregular past (Dóris Seibert) (Spanish) UNIT 8 lesson E
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Here we will revise the regular past and also learn how to form the past tense of the irregular verbs. First, read the explanations and then watch this video and the other videos below.


Regular verbs add -ED to the verb:
work --> worked
jump --> jumped
But irregular verbs make the past in a different way:
drink --> drank
fly --> flew
put --> put
go --> went


Regular verbs:
affirmative--> I lived in Rome
negative--> I didn't live in Rome / he didn't work for Philips
interrogative--> Did you live in Rome? / Did he love you?
Notice that when we use DID or DIDN'T, they carry the mark of the past, not the main verb.

Irregular verbs:
affirmative--> I went to Paris in 2002
negative--> I didn't go to Paris in 2001
interrogative--> Did you go to Paris in 2005?
Again, when we use DID or DIDN'T, they carry the mark of the past, not the main verb.

Irregular verbs (20 verbs)
Irregular verbs (20 verbs)
Irregular verbs (40 verbs)
Irregular verbs (40 verbs)
Irregular verbs (82 verbs)
Irregular verbs (82 verbs)
created by users
Irregular verbs (20 verbs)
Irregular verbs (40 verbs)
Irregular verbs (82 verbs)
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