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Adverbs of frequency (Grammar Genius) UNIT 5 - part of lesson E
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This short scene uses some frequency adverbs in context:

Always, never, sometimes

- Betty, you're early! You never come to the lab at 9 o'clock, you usually come to the lab at 10 o'clock.
- I'm working on a new experiment.
- There's a lot of smoke in here. I'm leaving.

- Betty, Betty, can you hear me?
- I'm cooking lunch.
- Cooking? You never cook. I always cook. The music is too loud in here. I'm leaving.

- Betty, can you stop that. Betty? Betty, can you hear me?
- I'm playing the guitar.
- Playing the guitar? You never play the guitar. You sometimes play the piano. Oh, there's too much noise in here. I'm leaving.
- Great! Mark is gone. I can now watch my favourite show on TV.

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