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Family Song (Jimi Blue) (Austria) UNIT 2 - part of lesson D
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Listen to this song and see if you can hear any vocabulary about family; also, as an exercise, count how many times he says the word "family" in this song. There are two words we often use inside our family: DAD or DADDY (=father), MUM or MUMMY (=mother) (AmE: mom, mommy). Probably the most moving tribute a singer teenager has paid to his family.

I'm far away from home right now
my family I miss somehow
Mum, Dad, Cheyenne and Wilson my brother
we care so much about each other
I'm happy to be a part of this
without them I could not exist
I tell you, man, I must be blessed
In what I do I give my best

I saw my father in a submarine
he's a hero on the movie screen
next generation living my dream
together, supreme a super team

My family they back me up
some people wanna try to set me up
empty words, what's real, what's true
so I just tell them:

There's no need to please me
I was born as an actor with a boon
And my dad he's in tune
supporting everything I do
Feel this : I will rule
cause my family is cool
yes, my mum, she's a model
supporting everything I do
cause my family is cool
yes, my family they rule

I rap the line, perform the song
And dedicated to my daddy and mum
Straight down the heart, I really care
If there's a problem my family is there

Berlin, London and return
Yeah, I travelled the world
there is much to learn
I'm working hard on my big dream
I know for sure that I will rock the scene

They have protected, supported me
I'm glad to have my family
Sometimes it's crazy, sometimes wild
But we always treat each other right

My family, they back me up
Some people really tried to set me up
Empty words, what's real, what's true
so I just tell them:

There's no need to please me
I was born as an actor with a boon
And my dad he's in tune
supporting everything I do
Feel this : I will rule
cause my family is cool
yes, my mum, she's a model
supporting everything I do
cause my family is cool
yes, my family they rule

Yeah , I dedicate this song to my family
Thanks for always being there for me
Thanks for helping me in hard times
Thanks for all your support and back-up
Thank you for the way you raised me
Thank you for always letting me do what I wanna do
I appreciate it and I won't forget it
This song's for you

There's no need to please me
I was born as an actor with a boon
And my dad he's in tune
supporting everything I do
Feel this : I will rule
cause my family is cool
yes, my mum, she's a model
supporting everything I do
cause my family is cool
yes, my family they rule

family= 16 times

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