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Physical description 2 (Spanish) UNIT 7 - part of lesson G
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Basic physical description.

Physical Description. Second part.

This time we're going to know more about complexion and people characteristics.

Thin people.
Chubby people.

You can cut your hair completely and (to) be bold.

There are no ugly people. They just don't pay attention to themselves.

Short, medium height, tall.

Tall. Short.

People have different skin colours, but in essence they're all exactly the same, so there are white people, (brunette people).
You can say dark-skin people or black people.
Olive-skin people.

You're able to have a big beard.
Or a smaller moustache.

People have brown hair.
Black hair.
Gray hair.

There are different eye colours, like green eyes.
Blue eyes.
Black eyes.
And brown eyes.

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