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Stories from a book were never so alive and real... and dangerous. This movie is based on the best-seller novel "Inkheart", by Cornelia Funke.

The film begins with "Mo" (Mortimer) and his wife reading a bedtime story (Little Red Riding Hood) to their infant daughter Meggie. As Mo reads the story, a red velvet hood appears but nobody notices. The narrator explains that people known as "Silver Tongues" are born with the gift that whenever they read a story aloud, their elements come into reality, and that some are completely unaware of their gifts.

Within the pages of a book, a world of magic awaits.

- It was Toto that made Dorothy laugh. He was a little black dog with long silky hair. Toto, you gonna get me in trouble.
- This is the story you've been waiting to hear.
- Maybe you'll find it here.
- Find what?
- That book you're always looking for.

What if you had the power to bring a book to life...
... simply by reading it aloud.

- Dustfinger. Travelling fire juggler, he has magical powers.
- Your voice brought him out of the book?

But what if one book you brought to life...

- I hate to warn you, you should be more careful.

... took you to another world?

- It's just like the old prison in the book.
- It's hideous, and got no taste whatsoever.
- Take 'em to the dungeons. Lock 'em up.
- Unicorn! Flying monkeys!
- What is this place?
- You wanna go home? Now, I'm here to help.
- And how do you intend that we escape?
- The mighty storm.
- Now, to get back home they must escape from the book.


- I prefer a story that has the good sense to stay on the page where it belongs.

WHITHIN= Inside.

AWAITS= Waits.

LAUGH= /lɑ:f/ in standard BrE, and /læf/ in other parts.

SILKY= (adj.) Similar to silk. SILK is a fabric (cloth) made with the fibre of the cocoon of a worm. Originally it was only produced in China.

GONNA= (coll.) going to.

WHAT IF...= We use this to introduce a hypothesis, a theoretical possibility. It is followed by a past tense to indicate that the condition they introduce is unreal. That tense is called "unreal past" (or past subjunctive) and doesn't talk about the past, but about the present (an hypothetical present):
- What if you found her at the party = What would happen if you find her at the party.
- What if she came here? = What would happen if I she comes here?.
We can also use this construction to make suggestions, especially when we think it's a wild idea, unusual or not easily acceptable:
- What if we painted all the rooms red? (What do you think about this crazy idea?)

BY READING= After prepositions and conjunctions we use the –ing form. We use BY + -ING to express how we get a result:
- You can open this box by pressing this button (how can you open it? By pressing this button)
- She said goodbye by giving him a kiss. (that's how she said goodbye).
- He made a fire by stroking two pieces of rock together.

READ ALOUD= To read pronouncing the words out, like when you're talking (as opposed to reading in your mind without making a sound).

DUSTFINGER= This is the name of one of the characters in this film. He can play with fire so his fingers are often stained with dust from the ashes (the ashes are the black dust left after something was consumed by the fire). Or maybe the name is simply because he travels from one place to another and he's covered with the dust from the earthen roads.

JUGGLER= A performer (=showman) who juggles objects and performs (=makes) tricks of manual dexterity (=skill). To JUGGLE is to keep two or more objects in the air at one time (by alternately throwing them up and catching them); or to make some other kind of manual tricks to entertain people. Jugglers were specially popular during the Middle Ages.

WARN= To notify someone in advance of danger, harm or some other risk.

HIDEOUS= Something hideous or hateful is something people hate.

AND GOT NO TASTE= And (it has) got no taste. If you have taste, you have the ability to make correct judgements about what is beautiful, appropriate, acceptable or right. A person with no taste for decoration will decorate their house horribly. If you show no taste when telling a story, that story is not appropriate for that social situation.

WHATSOEVER= At all, absolutely. This word goes at the end of the sentence and we use it to emphasize a negative sentence.
- He had no friends whatsoever = He had no friends at all.
- They never read any books whatsoever = They read absolutely no books.

'EM= Them.

LOCK 'EM UP= If you lock a door, you close it using a key (so you need the key to open it again). If you lock somebody up in a place, you put them inside and lock the door, so they can't escape because you have the key and they are your prisoners.

WANNA= Want to.

MIGHTY= Powerful, very strong.

SENSE= If somebody has sense or good sense, they are reasonable and have the capacity to understand things correctly.

WHERE IT BELONGS= In the place where it should be. If something belongs to you, you possess it, you are the owner (preposition TO). If you belong in a place, you should be there, you don't feel comfortable out there. If you belong in/with a group of people, you are part of that group, you are accepted in that group, you feel comfortable with them.
- This house belongs to the Smiths = This is the Smiths' house. (possession)
- You belong to me = you are my slave, I possess you, you're mine. (possession)
- You belong with me = you should be with me, this is the right place for you.
- I don't belong here = this is not my place, I don't feel right here.
- I don't belong in that city = I don't feel comfortable in that city, I don't fit there, that's not my natural place, I feel strange.
- I became a member of that club, but I felt I didn't belong (I didn't feel comfortable there, that club was not for me, I felt very different from the rest)

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