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On Mondays I never go to work
Touch a word or the <play> button for sound
Click on a word or on the <play> button for sound
Click on a word or on the red <play> button for sound

A very funny song about the days of the week.

They might be giants, here come the 1, 2, 3's
1, 2, 3!

- Hello every one, my name is John
- And my name is John too and we are "They might be giants"
- This podcast is about the alphabet
- And numbers
- A, B, C's
- and I, 2, 3
- Wellcome to "They Might Be Giants" podcasts for kids!

Oh no, no, I never go to work
Oh no, no, I never go to work
Oh no, no, I never go to work
Oh no, no, I never go to work 

On Mondays, I never go to work
On Tuesdays, I stay at home
On Wednesdays, I('m) never feeling fine
Work is the last thing on my mind
On Thursdays, it's a holiday!
And Fridays I detest
Oh, it's much too late on a Saturday
And Sunday is the day of rest 

Oh yes, yes, practise trumpet everyday
Oh yes, yes, practise trumpet everyday
Oh yes, yes, practise trumpet everyday
Oh yes, yes, practise trumpet everyday 

Practise Monday
Practise Tuesday
Practise Wednesday

Practise Thursday
And Friday
And I practise all night on Saturday
So on Sundays I play best 

Oh no, no, I never go to work
Oh no, no, I never go to work
Oh no, no, I never go to work
Oh no, no, I never go to work 

On Mondays, I never go to work
On Tuesdays, I stay at home
On Wednesdays, I('m) never feeling fine
Work is the last thing on my mind
On Thursdays, it's a holiday!
And Fridays I detest
Oh, it's much too late on a Saturday
And Sunday is the day of rest
It's the day of rest

- Thanks for checking in with the "They Might Be Giants" podcast for kids
- Come back next week for another song
- About letters
- Or numbers
- Or some other thing
- Yeah!

They might be giants, here come the 1, 2, 3's
1, 2, 3!

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