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On Time
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Expressions with "time", adjectives to desribe emotions and narrative tenses

Step 1

Show your students this image.


Put them in pairs and ask them to describe what they can see in the image.

Step 2

Tell your students that the image is taken from a short film called On Time. Put the students into small groups and ask them to discuss the following questions:

What do you think the short film is about?

What story does the short film tell?

What do you think you will see and hear in the short film?

How does the image relate to the short film?

Why is the short film called On Time?

Give each group 5 minutes to discuss the questions, and then get feedback from the whole class.


Step 3

Now tell your students they are going to watch the film, as they watch they should compare their answers in step 3 with what they see and hear in the film.

Step 4

Get feedback from the whole class and ask the following questions:

Did you like the film?

How did it make you feel?

Does the film have a message?


Step 5

Tell your students they are going to watch the film again; this time they should concentrate on Arthur, the main character, and use adjectives to describe how he is feeling at different stages in the film:

  • at the start when he is looking at the photo
  • when the salesman shows him the case
  • when he talks to the woman
  • when he signs the contract
  • when he boards the plane


Step 6

Put your students in pairs and ask them to discuss the following questions:

Would you like to have this case?

How could the case be useful?

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