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The Bridge (a.k.a. Most)
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Most (Czech for ‘The Bridge’) is a touching Oscar-nominated movie and winner of many prestigious film festivals. It tells the story of the close relationship between a bridge operator and his young son and the fateful day when both try off an impending rail disaster. A steam train full of hundreds of passengers is unaware of the danger as it heads towards an open drawbridge. Most is both a heart-wrenching and glorious story that portrays the greatest measure of love, sacrifice, hope and forgiveness known to man.

The movie is a metaphor of God's love. At Easter we remember the sacrifice of Jesus, the Son, to save us all, but how about the Father's sacrifice? This film is trying to show us just that.

Orignial in Czech with English subtitles (we don't accept these kind of videos in a foreign language but we made an exeption here)

You can watch the movie trailer here.

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