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The Impossible Quiz #1: Logic? what's that? (Brazil)
Touch a word or the <play> button for sound
Click on a word or on the <play> button for sound
Click on a word or on the red <play> button for sound

A game where you must find the illogical logic in it.

You can activate the subtitles on the video, or read the script here:

Hello, everybody. this is Bunytou. And this is the impossible quiz...

...Which is a bunch of questions that have pretty much no logic

So, it's kinda iffy,...

So, it's kinda iffy,... But let's do it...

I have to cut the sound immediately, because they play the "Rocky" song, and I don't know if I have the right to reproduce that

I actually just did up to number seven, because I had to go back and click off the song...

I actually just did up to number seven, because I had to go back and click off the song... Click off the sound...

How many holes in a polo?

I'll say four...

I'll say four... Head's, arms'... And belly... Big belly...

Can a match box?

No, but a tin can

Answer this question backwards...

Answer this question backwards... Ok.

Click the answer...

I accidentally, passed through the answer and I saw what it was

Don't touch blue.

Don't touch blue... And I have to go outside the little window.

What's the square root of onion?

Shallots are small onions...

That's where I stopped.

The answer is really big...

Ah,... An elephant.


Yea... Good.

Keep looking




What was the answer to question ?

What was question ?

"Can a match box?"

Is that it?

I think...

It was this...

It was this... "No, but a tin can"...

But it's pointing to this, so...


No? But...

No? But... NO?


I can't understand...


Ah, Choose food.

That kinda looks like butter.


Nothing makes sense, you see? Nothing makes sense...

What follows December nd?

A question mark?


Stop with the song...

Stop with the song... I have to take (it) out if you put this damn song

Okay, but let's start again...

And here...

It's not a quetion mark.

I know it's not December rd...

I know it's not December rd... That's just too obvious.

A hundred and forty-two dwarves...

A hundred and forty-two dwarves... WHY?

"n" ?

"What follows December nd?"

January, February...?


Okay... It's an "n"...

Okay... It's an "n"... For some reason...

...The smallest one...

...The smallest one... Is this!

"What sound does a bell make?"


I happen to remember this one, because I...

I happen to remember this one, because... But I don't know why it's a F'taang...

"What can you put in a bucket to make it lighter?"

A torch?

A torch? Yeah...?

A... "Torch" is British idiom for a flashlight.

Horse. Ah, okay...

"What is the seventh letter of the alphabet?"

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven...

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... "H"


Twenty-four minus seven...

Twenty-four minus seven... Seventeen!


Stop... Hammer time!

This is a very old song...

"Colour in the correct order..." ?

Ah... Green?

Ah... Blue?

Oh... It's the letters!


Orange... Green...

Orange... Green... Green...

Orange... Green... Green... And yellow!

Ah... See?

Ah... See? Go...

Deal or no deal?

There was a game show...?

There was a game show...? "Deal or no deal"


Seal... I happen to remember this one.

"Watch carefully..."

"Watch carefully... Now choo..."?

Okay, this one is green.


Okay... This is insane...

"The choice is yours"

One more life, one less life, escape, one more skip...

One more life.

Why can't I choose one more life?

One less life?

Again with the...

Again with the... Stop playing the damn song!

I cannot put you up if you play the damn song! Stop playing the damn song!


So I can't...


Okay, and you skip, and...

Okay, and you skip, and... I didn't understand this one...

"Save changes to 'untitled'?"

This is too easy here...

This is too easy here... Bran!


"Click in the..."

"Click in the..."

"Click the 'V' in lives..."

Isn't that it?

"Click the 'v' in lives"



If I get there, (it) is not there.

If I get there, (it) is not there. Okay, what do you want?

What do you want from me!?

There's gotta be something here that will change with the mouse...


Oh, should I click the letter "V" ?


"Click the 'V' in lives"

I'm trying to...

I promise you. I'm trying to click the "v" in lives...


Oh... Click the "v" in this "lives". Okay...

"How do you kill a werewolf?"

Black pudding?

Gravy granules?

Shoe polish?

Cillit Bang?

It would be a silver bullet, but...

A werewolf...

A werewolf... Is it the baby werewolf I saw... I heard cry in the other video?

Cillit bang.

Cillit bang. No?

Shoe polish?

A werewolf you kill with shoe polish?

A werewolf you kill with shoe polish? How?

A werewolf you kill with shoe polish? How? How's that possible?

Brown willy...

"Which of these place names doesn't exist?" ...Brown Willy.

Ah... is not Brown Willy...

Ah... is not Brown Willy... Blubberhouses?


Why do you play the damn song? I can't show you playing the damn song!



'Kay...Skip... Bran...

'Kay...Skip... Bran... 'V' in lives...

'Kay...Skip... Bran... 'V' in lives... Shoe polish...

Oh, wait...

Oh, wait... Does that mean (it is) because you're going to make it... Make your shoe shine like silver?

Maybe? I don't know...

Arseyface? (I misread)

Arseyface! the name that...

"I hope you've been paying attention to the question numbers!"

No, I haven't...

(Let's) See twenty-four...

Oh... Crap.

I went (came) back to twenty-four. Crap, crap, crap...

It's the 'V' in lives.

Shoe polish


Twenty-three... So, twenty-four was that one. Twenty-five, twenty-six, so this would be twenty-seven...?

So, (I) gotta go to twenty-eight.

So, (I) gotta go to twenty-eight. YEAY!

"What is this?"

Ballet Bun,...

Ballet Bun, Fairy Cake...

"Cruel!" This is kinda cruel, yeah...

(I) Actually saw this. I remember because this was the one that actually made the guy...

...Markiplier, I'm a fan of his...

... (It) Made him stop and say "Oh, my god"

It's "a bun dance"

It's a bun dancing, so it's "a bun dance"

"What flavor is cardboard?"



Oh...Card-BOARd... Like a boar?

So pork scratchings?


A card board...

Board? What can board be? Egg mayonnaise?


Don't touch green.



Okay... If you say so...

"What are the main ingredients of shampoo?"

Rock and sausages, cats and whelks, babycham and human faeces, cricket crap

BabyCHAM and poo.

That's so stupid!

"How many letters in this (his) hand?"

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine...


One, two, three, four, five, six, seven

So, let's say seven...

So, let's say seven...


Oh... "Elephants don't like mice". I took away the mouse button (cursor) and the elephants went in.

"If you press this... it's game over."

Or this one to carry on... I wanna carry on...

"What do you call a wingless fly?"

A walk?


"Can you get this question wrong?"

No, nope, no way, of course not...

Uh... It's my last life. I don't wanna go back...

I don't really know what is gonna set it (off)

Can you ques... Get this question wrong?



"Mary Rose sat on a pin"


"Mary Rose sat on a pin"

"Burst her pile(s)"

"O RLY?"

I don't know what you want from me!

Mary Rose?


Hairy marshmallow cylinder...

Cylindrical adventures, Cough drops, Right here, right now, Space serious business.

I don't know... What to choose.

Right... Let me press right.

Ah... Crap

Stop the damn song. The song is making me not record this more.

So, anyways, this was the first try... Maybe I'll do another try with the rest of the questions.

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Thank you for watching. I'll see you in the next one,... In the next part of The Impossible Quiz. Bye.

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