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The starfish story - Make A Difference (Nostalgic g)
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Feeling small in a big world? This heartwarming animated short story, inspired by the iconic "Starfish Story," reminds you that even the smallest actions can make a giant impact.

Father and child have a British accent. Narrator has an American accent.

This is about a father and his son walking on the beach after a storm.

Look Papa, they'll die if they stay here.

There are too many, son, we can't save them all.

But I can save this one.

He throws it back into the ocean. A small splash against the vast sea.

They walk on, and the boy keeps picking up starfish, throwing them back, one by one.

His father watches, saying nothing.

Finally, the boy stops, exhausted.

Papa! Is it even worth it? There are still so many.

Look, my little fisherman, you can't change the whole ocean. But for every starfish you throw back, you change its whole world.

The boy looks at the starfish clinging to his hand, its wet body cool against his palm.

One starfish at a time.

Papa, one starfish at a time.

And so they continued, father and son, throwing starfish back into the ocean one by one, making a difference in their own small way.

Great acts are made up of small deeds.
(By Lao Tzu)

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