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I've been working on the railroad (1stNurseryRhymes)
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Click on a word or on the <play> button for sound
Click on a word or on the red <play> button for sound

A traditional American song for kids.

If you need a better quality soundtrack go here: Sally's railroad

I've been working' on the railroad,
All the live long day.
I've been working' on the railroad,
Just to pass the time away.
Don't you hear the whistle blowing?
Rise up so early in the morn.
Don't you hear the whistle shouting
"Dinah*, blow your horn"?

Dinah, won't you blow,
Dinah, won't you blow,
Dinah, won't you blow your horn?
Dinah, won't you blow,
Dinah, won't you blow,
Dinah, won't you blow your horn?

I've been working' on the railroad,
All the live long day.
I've been working' on the railroad,
Just to pass the time away.
Don't you hear the whistle blowing?
Rise up so early in the morn.
Don't you hear the whistle shouting
"Dinah, blow your horn"?
"Dinah, blow your horn"?

*The song is usually sung with the name "Dinah", but you can put here any name you want, depending on who is with you.

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