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Postman Pat
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This is the theme song for a popular British TV series.

Postman Pat, postman Pat
Postman Pat and his black and white cat
Early in the morning
Just as day is dawning
He picks up all the postbags in his van

Postman Pat, postman Pat
Postman Pat and his black and white cat
All the birds are singing
And the day is just beginning
Pat feels he's a really happy man

Everybody knows his bright red van
All his friends will smile as he waves to greet them
Maybe, you can never be sure
There'll be knock, ring, letters through your door

Postman Pat, postman Pat
Postman Pat and his black and white cat
All the birds are singing
And the day is just beginning
Pat feels he's a really happy man
Pat feels he's a really happy man
Pat feels he's a really happy man

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