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A Beautiful Day (Tom Boxer) (Romania)
Touch a word or the <play> button for sound
Click on a word or on the <play> button for sound
Click on a word or on the red <play> button for sound

Featuring Jay. With the sunny tune A Beautiful Day Tom Boxer makes sure we will feel good this summer!

It´s a beautiful world ...

It´s a beautiful world
It´s a beautiful day
The sun is shining to my heart
Every morning in every day

It´s a beautiful world
It´s a beautiful day
The sun is shining to my heart
Every moments in every way

It´s a beautiful world
It´s a beautiful day
The sun is shining to my heart
Every moments in every way

I see no reasons to cry
I feel no reasons to run
Just look inside your lonely heart
Open your eyes you´ll see the sun x2

It´s a beautiful world
It´s a beautiful day
The sun is shining to my heart
Every morning in every day

It´s a beautiful world
It´s a beautiful day
The sun is shining to my heart
Every moments in every way

It´s a beautiful world x3

It´s a beautiful world
It´s a beautiful day
The sun is shining to my heart
Every morning in every day

It´s a beautiful world
It´s a beautiful day
The sun is shining to my heart
Every moments in every way

It´s a beautiful world
It´s a beautiful day
The sun is shining to my heart
Every morning ïn every day


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