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A million lives (Jake Miller)
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Do you think the power of music is capable of saving lives? Certain songs seem to be able to reach into the hearts of listeners and somehow connect with them. Sometimes people claim these songs or lyrics have "saved" their own lives.

The other day I got an email, I almost didn't read it
but something caught my eye right before I could delete it       
it was bold and underlined, "Please Read" was the title           
followed by "Jake you are my idol"
it said and I quote: my name is Nikki and I used to be a dancer       
until the day the doctor diagnosed me with cancer           
so I said goodbye to all the hair on head
and hello to my hospital bed
yeah see I was just a normal girl, it happened so fast
there were so many days that I thought would be my last           
however the fight was tough, and the battle was long                       
but I felt strong when I listened to your songs
you were, always there for me, you helped my heart beat
you were my only friend, kept you on repeat
I thank God for you every single night
cause believe or not, you saved my life.

I've met a million people, been a million places,
shook a million hands, seen a million faces,               
I've had a million lows, and a million more highs,           
no I haven't made a million, but I've touched a million lives.       
I've met a million people, been a million places,
shook a million hands, seen a million faces,
I've had a million lows, and a million more highs,
no I haven't made a million, but I've touched a million lives.

Yeah the mailman knocked said it was for me               
handed me a box, sent from Tennessee
written on the top "for Jakes eyes only"
inside was a journal and letter that he wrote me
it said: my name is Dillon I'm in 7th grade
I'm ridiculed and picked on almost everyday               
yeah they push me in the halls in between my classes
yesterday they took my books then broke my glasses
I got no one to talk to, its like I don't exist
sometimes I wonder if I was gone, would I be missed?
but lemme tell the real reason for this letter
you've helped me through it all, you've help me feel better
your words gimme confidence, your messages inspire me           
you help me find my inner strength deep inside me
through all the bad times, you helped me find the light
believe or not, you saved my life.

I've met a million people, been a million places,
shook a million hands, seen a million faces,
I've had a million lows, and a million more highs,
no I haven't made a million, but I've touched a million lives.
I've met a million people, been a million places,
shook a million hands, seen a million faces,
I've had a million lows, and a million more highs,
no I haven't made a million, but I've touched a million lives.

I was sittin' at my table at dinner the other night
when I noticed a little girl sittin to my right
she was looking at me like she knew me, I guess she did
cause then she walked right up to, and then she said:
my name is Sami and I swear that I'm your biggest fan
I think she even had my name written on her hand
she said me: my brother used to listen to you every day
until last year, when he passed away                   
I'll never forget see in my parents cry
when they got a call saying that your son had died
man I wish that he was here now, you were his favorite
he had your mixtape and never stopped playing it
your music gives me a feeling that I just can't describe
it's like I got my brother back, and he's still alive
I pray for both of you, every single night
cause believe or not, you saved my life.

I've met a million people, been a million places,
shook a million hands, seen a million faces,
I've had a million lows, and a million more highs,
no I haven't made a million, but I've touched a million lives.
I've met a million people, been a million places,
shook a million hands, seen a million faces,
I've had a million lows, and a million more highs,
no I haven't made a million, but I've touched a million lives.

Now lemme turn the table, and talk to you
I had a dream but your the reason that it's coming true
yeah I've had some dark days, when the sun don't shine
but you always reminded me that I would be fine
cause when no else cared, you believed in my vision
and now I got an army coming with me on my mission
I thank God for all you, every single night
cause believe or not, you saved my life.

CAUGHT MY EYE= To catch my eye is to attract my interest.

RIGHT= Exactly or precisely. In this case, exactly the moment 'before I could delete it'.

BOLD= A typeface with thick heavy lines.

QUOTE= Repeat or copy the exact words of another.

USED TO= (takes an infinitive or implied infinitive) Used as an auxiliary to express habitual or accustomed actions, states, etc., taking place in the past but not continuing into the present.

DIAGNOSE=  To distinguish or identify a disease by diagnosis.

MY LAST= The final moment or one's last before death.

HOWEVER= Nevertheless, even though.

THE FIGHT WAS TOUGH= The fight was difficult, hard.

CAUSE= (Informal) Because.

SHOOK HANDS= (shake-shook-shaken) To clasp or grasp the hand of a person in greeting, agreement.

I'VE HAD A MILLION LOWS= Being in a physically or mentally depressed or weakened state.

A MILLION MORE HIGHS=  An exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depression.

TOUCH= To produce an emotional response in, affect emotionally.

MAILMAN= (American English) A man who carries and delivers mail. Also called postman.

HAND= To give or pass with the hands.

RIDICULE= To expose to ridicule; make fun of.

PICK ON= To select someone for something unpleasant, in order to tease or bully.

LEMME= (Informal) Contraction of let me.

GIMME=  (Informal) Contraction of give me.

CONFIDENCE=  Trust or faith in a person or thing.

INNER STRENGTH= Confidence or power that comes from inside oneself.

SITTIN= (Informal) Contraction of sitting.

WALK RIGHT UP TO= (Idiom) To approach someone or something on foot.

PASS AWAY=  (Euphemism) To die.

MIXTAPE= A mixtape or mixed tape is a compilation of songs recorded in a specific order.

TURN THE TABLE= (On somebody/something) To change a situation so that someone's position is the opposite of what it was.

WHEN THE SUN DON'T SHINE= The third person singular (he, she, and it) form of the verb to do in the present tense is 'does'. Therefore, "sun doesn't shine," is the standard English form. Using 'do' rather than 'doeS' in the third person singular is a slang usage; the 'don't' makes it more informal.

ARMY= A large number of people united for some specific purpose.

"A Million Lives"  delves into personal stories from several of Jake's fans who have used his music to overcome life obstacles. "I may inspire you guys, but you inspire me even more. Thank you so much for believing in me and coming with me on this incredible journey".

Music is very deeply ingrained in us as human beings and so therefore is it's power to sway our emotions and moods.

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