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Chained To The Rhythm (ft. Skip Marley) (Katy Perry)
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A hit by Katy Perry. Song and video are a mixture of fun and anguish, like something's rotten in Paradise.

Are we crazy
Living our lives through a lens
Trapped in our white picket fence
Like ornaments

So comfortable, we’re living in a bubble, bubble
So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, trouble

Aren’t you lonely
Up there in Utopia
Where nothing will ever be enough
Happily numb

So comfortable, we’re living
in a bubble, bubble
So comfortable, we cannot
see the trouble, trouble

So put your rose-colored glasses on
And party on

Turn it up, it’s your favourite song
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion
Turn it up, keep it on repeat
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie
Yeah, we think we’re free
Drink, this one’s on me
We’re all chained to the rhythm
To the rhythm
To the rhythm

Turn it up, it’s your favourite song
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion
Turn it up, keep it on repeat
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie
Yeah, we think we’re free
Drink, this one’s on me
We’re all chained to the rhythm
To the rhythm
To the rhythm

Are we tone deaf
Keep sweeping it under the mat
Thought we could do better than that
I hope we can

So comfortable, we’re living in a bubble, bubble
So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, trouble

So put your rose-colored glasses on
And party on

Turn it up, it’s your favourite song
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion
Turn it up, keep it on repeat
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie
Yeah, we think we’re free
Drink, this one’s on me
We’re all chained to the rhythm
To the rhythm
To the rhythm

Turn it up, it’s your favourite song
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion
Turn it up, keep it on repeat
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie
Yeah, we think we’re free
Drink, this one’s on me
We’re all chained to the rhythm
To the rhythm
To the rhythm

It is my desire
Break down the walls to connect, inspire
Up in your high place, liars
Time is ticking for the empire
The truth they feed is feeble
As so many times before
They greed over the people
They stumbling and fumbling
And we about to riot
They woke up, they woke up
the lions

Turn it up, it’s your favourite song
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion
Turn it up, keep it on repeat
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie
Yeah, we think we’re free
Drink, this one’s on me
We’re all chained to the rhythm
To the rhythm
To the rhythm

It goes on and on and on
It goes on and on and on
It goes on and on and on
Cause we're all chained to the rhythm

Lens= /lenz/ A lens is a piece of glass in a camera or glasses that helps to see better or change focus. "Living our lives through a lens" means looking at life through something, like a camera or a screen, instead of directly.

White picket fence= A "picket fence" is a type of fence made of wood, painted white, usually found around small houses. It is a symbol of a perfect, comfortable, and traditional life in America.

Ornaments= /ˈɔːrnəmənts/ Ornaments are decorations, usually pretty things we use to make a house or place look nicer. In the song, it means that life is very decorated, but maybe not meaningful.

comfortable= /'kʌmftəbəl/

Bubble= /ˈbʌbəl/ A "bubble" is a round pocket of air, like in soap. Here, "living in a bubble" means living separated from reality, in a safe, but not real, world.

Utopia= /juˈtəʊpiə/ Utopia is an imagined perfect place where everything is good. In the song, it suggests a place where everything looks perfect, but maybe is not truly happy.


Happily numb= /ˈhæpɪli nʌm/ "Numb" means not feeling anything. "Happily numb" means feeling happy but not really feeling or thinking deeply, just ignoring any problems.

Rose-colored glasses= To "put on rose-colored glasses" means to see everything in a positive, happy way, ignoring anything bad. It's like seeing life better than it really is.

Party on= Continue partying, having fun.

Distortion= /dɪˈstɔːrʃən/ Distortion is when something is not clear or real, like when a picture or sound is changed or unclear. In the song, it suggests that the music is so loud or unclear that you don’t see things as they are.

Wasted= /ˈweɪstɪd/ "Wasted" is slang for being very drunk or on drugs. In the song, "wasted zombie" means someone who is moving around without thinking clearly, like a zombie.

Stumbling= To walk faltering, unsecure, like zombies do.

This one's on me= I will pay for this drink.

Tone deaf= /təʊn def/ Someone who is "tone deaf" cannot hear different musical notes well. Here, it means not being able to "hear" or understand what's really happening in the world.

Sweeping it under the mat= "Sweeping under the mat" means hiding a problem instead of solving it, like when you hide dust by pushing it under a carpet.

Time is ticking= The end is near.

Empire= /ˈempaɪər/ An "empire" is a big group of countries or territories controlled by one government. In the song, it could mean big powerful systems like governments, companies, or groups in control.

Feeble= /ˈfiːbəl/ "Feeble" means weak or not strong. In the song, "the truth they feed is feeble" suggests that the truth given to people is weak, not real or powerful.

Greed= /ɡriːd/ "Greed" is the strong desire to have more money or power than you need, not caring about others.

Riot= /ˈraɪət/ A "riot" is when a group of people gather together and act violently in the streets, often to protest against something or someone.

They woke up the lions= /ðeɪ wəʊk ʌp ðə ˈlaɪənz/ This phrase means that the powerful or those in control have done something to make people angry or aware of problems, like waking up a sleeping lion. The "lions" represent people who are now alert, aware, and ready to take action or fight back against injustice.

A song Katy Perry wrote back in 2016 when she felt depressed about the future of America and decided to channel her frustration into a song. As she said: "a song that at first listen is a really fun song, but I guess the more you dive into it, it has a different sub-text".

"Chained to the Rhythm" by Katy Perry is a pop song that explores themes of complacency, conformity, and social awareness. The song urges listeners to break free from the "bubble" of their daily lives and critically examine societal issues that are often overlooked or ignored. Perry uses the metaphor of dancing to an infectious rhythm as a way to describe how people can be caught up in a superficial, repetitive cycle, distracted from important matters by the comforts and distractions of modern life.

The lyrics highlight how people may willingly blind themselves to problems around them, staying in a state of ignorance or bliss because it’s easier than confronting reality. The "rhythm" symbolizes the habits, media, and systems that people get "chained" to, without questioning their impact or implications. The song encourages self-reflection and challenges listeners to think more deeply about how they live their lives, consume information, and interact with the world.

Moreover, "Chained to the Rhythm" reflects on how people are often "living in a bubble," isolated from discomforting truths and lulled into a false sense of contentment. The reference to a "bubble" implies a self-imposed shield from global issues, political tensions, and societal injustices. The song suggests that this avoidance comes at a cost, as it prevents people from addressing challenges and making necessary changes.

The upbeat tempo and catchy melody contrast with the deeper, more critical message of the lyrics. This contrast serves to mirror how easily people can be drawn into distractions that keep them from seeing the "bigger picture." While the song has a fun, danceable sound, its message encourages the listener to look beyond entertainment and consider how they might be passively contributing to societal problems.

The song also touches on themes of unity and empowerment, suggesting that by breaking away from this "chain," people can join together to create a more aware and engaged society. The idea is to inspire people not only to wake up to the issues around them but also to actively participate in making a difference, challenging the status quo rather than remaining passive observers.

Overall, "Chained to the Rhythm" is a social commentary wrapped in a pop format. It critiques the complacency of modern life, urging listeners to "turn it up" and "burst the bubble" that keeps them disconnected from the world's real challenges and opportunities for change.


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