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Everybody Hurts (R.E.M.)
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R.E.M. was an American rock band from Athens, Georgia, formed in 1980 by singer Michael Stipe, guitarist Peter Buck, bassist Mike Mills, and drummer Bill Berry.

"Everybody Hurts" is a song originally released on the band's 1992 album Automatic for the People and was also released as a single in 1993.

In the video for the song, directed by Jake Scott and filmed along the double deck portions of I-10 near the I-35 Interchange in Downtown San Antonio, Texas, the band is stuck in a traffic jam. It shows the people in other cars and subtitles of their thoughts appear on screen. At the end, all the people leave their cars and walk instead; then they vanish.

When your day is long
and the night,
the night is yours alone,
when you're sure you've had enough
of this life, well hang on.
Don't let yourself go,
'cause everybody cries
and everybody hurts

Sometimes everything is wrong.
Now it's time to sing along.
When your day is night alone,
hold on, hold on
if you feel like letting go, hold on
if you think you've had too much
of this life, well hang on.

Because everybody hurts.
Take comfort in your friends.
Everybody hurts.

Don't throw your hand. Oh, no.
Don't throw your hand.
If you feel like you're alone,
no, no, no, you are not alone

If you're on your own
in this life,
the days and nights are long,
when you think you've had too much
of this life to hang on.

Well, everybody hurts
everybody cries.
everybody hurts, sometimes
everybody hurts, sometimes
So, hold on, hold on,hold on, hold on,
hold on, hold on,
hold on, hold on,
everybody hurts.


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