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First day of my life (Melanie C)
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A song about someone who tries to find a meaning to his life.

So I found a reason to stay alive
Try a little harder see the other side
Talking to myself
Too many sleepless night
Trying to find a meaning to this stupid life

I don’t want your sympathy
Sometimes I don’t know who to be

Hey what you're looking for
No one has the answer
They just want more
Hey who’s gonna make it back
This could be the first
Day of my life

So I found a reason
To let it go
Tell you that I’m smiling
But I still need to grow
Will I find salvation in the arms of love
Will it stop me searching will it be enough

I don’t want your sympathy
Sometimes I don’t know who to be

Hey what you're looking for
No one has the answer but you just want more
Hey who’s gonna make it back
This could be the first day of my life

The first time to really feel alive
The first time to break the chain
The first time to walk away from pain

Hey what you're looking for
No one has the answer we just want more
Hey who’s gonna make it right
This could be the first day of your life
Hey what you're looking for
No one has the answer they just want more

Hey who’s gonna shine alight?
This could be the first day of my life

This is a song about a person who is looking for life´s essence. She´s begining to smile and open her arms to love.

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