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Glory defined (Building 429)
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Building 429 is a Christian rock band. They were the Gospel Music Association 2005 New Artist of the Year. Their name is derived from a Biblical passage known as Ephesians 4:29, which reads as follows: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

If you can't watch this video in your country, try this other link: Glory Defined.

There's always a better way
There's always a bridge that needs crossing
There's always the straight and the narrow
The wide and the shallow
But I know that You're guiding me
And the best is yet to come
You've given me hope for tomorrow
And I know someday

I'll wake up to find
Your glory defined
And I will finally bow at Your feet
Whoa-o I will lift up Your name
In Honor and Praise
When I cross over the Jordan
I know that I'll be running home to You

It's always the simple things
It's always the obvious that crashes over me
It's always in front of me
It helps me to remember
That this is what I live for
And I can't wait

Until I wake up to find
Your glory defined
And I will finally bow at Your feet
Whoa-o I will lift up Your name
In honor and praise
When I cross over Jordan
I know that I'll be running home to You

There's never a question in Your message
Never a moment without Your presence
There's never a doubt in my mind

That I'll wake up to find
Your glory defined
And I will finally bow at Your feet
Whoa-o I will lift up Your name
In honor and praise
When I cross over Jordan
I know that I'll be running home
And I'll wake up to find
Your glory defined
And I will finally bow at Your feet
Oh I will lift up Your name
In honor and praise
When I cross over Jordan
I know that I'll be running home to You

And I'll be running home to You

Roy, the lead vocalist, said: "The song is based around the concept that Glory is a word that can’t be comprehended when used in the context of our God.  I realized that this life has many things to throw at me, but the overwhelming truth of my life is that I, as a believer in Christ, am guaranteed that I will one day know what His glory looks like!!" Then, he will have the right definition of God's glory.

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