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Happy happens (The Mae Shi Band)
Touch a word or the <play> button for sound
Click on a word or on the <play> button for sound
Click on a word or on the red <play> button for sound

Smile and be happy!

Well everything is in its place
And I can't stop the smile on my face
Cause I m happy, I'm happy in this place
And all of my friends are in this place
And I can't stop the smile on my face
Cause I'm happy, I'm happier in this place

a 1, 2, 3

So smile, smile on my friends
You're in a happy place
So smile, smile on my friends
Come on smile, smile on my friends
You're in a happy place
You'll smile, smile on my friends

Come on smile, smile on my friends
You're in a happy place
You'll smile, smile on my friends

a 1, 2, Ready, Go!

EVERYTHING IS IN ITS PLACE= Everything is alright.

I CAN'T STOP THE SMILE ON MY FACE= I can't stop smiling (I'm smiling all the time)

CAUSE= (coll.) Because

SMILE smiling, continue smiling, don't stop smiling.
We often use the particle ON to express that the action continues.

READY, GO= In sports, competitions, games, etc where everybody has to start at the same time, we usually say: Ready... Steady... GO!

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