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I smile (Kirk Franklin) (Black)
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A gospel song that urges you to smile whatever your mood is. If you are down, just smile. Life will be better.

Inspired? Then go and do it: join our international Smile Campaign.

I dedicate this song to recession, depression and unemployment. This song's for you.

Today's a new day
But there is no sunshine
Nothing but clouds
And it's dark in my heart
And it feels like a cold night

Today's a new day
But where are my blue skies?
Where is the love and the joy that you promised me
Tell me it's alright

(I'll be honest wit’ you)
I almost gave up
But a power that I can't explain
Fell from heaven like a shower now

(When I think how much better I'm gon’ be when this is over)
I smile
Even though I hurt, see? I smile
I know God is working so I smile
Even though I've been here for a while
(what d'you do?)
I smile
(come on in)

It's so hard to look up when you've been down
Sure, would hate to see you give up now
(God's people!)
You look so much better when you smile
So smile

(Now, every day ain't gon’ be perfect
But it still don't mean today don't have purpose
Come on!)

Today's a new day
But there is no sunshine
Nothing but clouds and it's dark in my heart
And it feels like a cold night
(It ain't easy, but...)

Today's a new day
But tell me, where are my blue skies ?
(Where is that love, ya'll?)
Where is the love and the joy that you promised me?
Tell me it's alright

(The truth is)
I almost gave up
But a power that I can't explain
(The Holy Ghost power ya'll)
Fell from heaven like a shower now
(Now, I know we've been hurt, ya'll... but still...)

I smile
Even though I hurt, see? I smile
(yea, I feel that)
I know God is working so I smile
Even though I've been here for a while
I smile

It's so hard to look up when you've been down
Sure, would hate to see you give up now
(cause, people...)
You look so much better when you smile
(let's go)

Smile... for me
Can you just smile... for me?
(whatever you're in right now)
Smile... for me
Can you just smile... for me?

(And my people say)

Oh oh oh
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh (I say)
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh (And while you're waiting)
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh (Yeah, and while you're praying)
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh (Look in the mirror)
You look so much better when you....
Oh oh oh (Always remember)
You look so much better when you smile

I almost gave up
(almost gave up)
But a power that I can't explain
(But the Holy Ghost power ya'll)
Fell from heaven like a shower now
(Came down from heaven and… hardships, difficulties)
Right now
(Tears, ++++… This is what I do)

I smile
Even though I hurt, see? I smile
(but it feels good)
I know God is working so I smile
(all things are working)
Even though I've been here for a while
I smile

It's so hard to look up when you've been down
(I know it’s hard right now)
Sure would hate to see you give up now
(because you’re a winner)
You look so much better when you smile
(you look better)
So smile.

Oh oh oh (Dallas)
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh (New Orleans)
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh (C’mon, Cleveland)
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh (Detroit)
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh (Yea, Philly)
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh (Jersey)
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh (Huh, L.A.)
You look so much better when you...
Oh oh oh (All my people say...)
You look so much better when you smile

See, I just don't want you to be happy
'Cause then you gotta have something happening
I want you to have joy
'Cause can't nobody take that from you
Ha, ha. I see you...

RECESSION= A period of economic disaster when a country is not growing but decreasing and unemployment rising.

THERE IS NO...= There isn’t any…
The negative article NO is the same as using an affirmative article with NOT:
- I have no friends here = I don’t have any friends here.
- I need no sugar, thanks = I don’t need any sugar.
It can also be a substitute for the singular "a/an", though that use is considered colloquial.
- I am no fool = I’m not a fool.
- She ain’t no sister of mine = She’s not my sister.

I’LL BE HONEST= I’ll tell you the truth.

WIT’= (Black AmE) With.
Black English often uses /t/ instead of /θ/ (except at the beginning) and /d/ instead of /ð/
- brother = "broder"
- month = ("mont" or "monf")

GAVE UP= Surrendered, stop trying.

A SHOWER= Heavy rain.

I'M GON'= (black AmE) I'm going to.

EVEN THOUGH= An emphatic form for "though".

I HURT= I'm suffering, I'm in pain.

YOU'VE BEEN DOWN= You have been depressed, very sad.

SURE, WOULD HATE TO...= I would hate to... for sure; of course I wouldn't like to...

AIN'T= (coll.) The negative form for the verb "to be" and "have".
- He ain't Spanish = He's not Spanish.
- We ain't finished yet = We haven't finished yet.
- I ain't got no money = I haven't got any money.
- It ain't gon' be perfect = It's not going to be perfec.

IT STILL DON'T MEAN...= Nevertheless, it doesn't mean...
Using the third person singular (he/she/it) verb without –S is common in colloquial English, especially in black AmE.

PURPOSE= Finality, meaning, intention.

YA'LL= (Southern AmE, esp. rural) contraction of YOU ALL = You guys = You (plural)
- John, you are great.
- John and Mike, ya'll know me very well, right?

In the rest of the US the equivalent form is "you guys":
- Ron, you stay here and wait. Mike and Jordan, you guys come with me.

POWER= (verb) Gives you energy.

WHATEVER YOU'RE IN= It doesn't matter what situation you are in.

RIGHT NOW= At this very moment.
We use "right" to emphasize expressions of time and place and make them more precise.
-    I'm going to wait right here and I want it right now, so run and give it to me.

HARDSHIPS= Difficulties, bad times, bad situations, moments of suffering.

GOTTA= (coll.) Have got to.
- Bye, I gotta go = I've got to go = I have to go.
'CAUSE= (coll.) Because.

JOY= Intense, ecstatic or exultant happiness.
Some people use "joy" as a formal or poetical equivalent of "happiness", but "joy" is more than that, it's something profound, spiritual, that has a deep impact in your soul. You may feel happy if you buy a new car, or win the lottery or watch a wonderful film. But to find joy you need a more profound spiritual experience. You may rejoice and feel joy when your baby is born, when you fall in love, when you feel God inside you or when you have an ecstatic experience watching a sunset from a mountain top. See? not quite the same, joy is usually about love and beauty, one way or another, and never about money. Joy is not necesarily super intense, but it's always authentic, it's like true happiness and it doesn't depend on anything in particular, it's a feeling that includes all your being and all your perception of the world. That's the joy this song tells us about.

CAN'T NOBODY TAKE THAT FROM YOU= (black AmE) Nobody can take that away from you; you can't lose that.
You can also see a double negative here, which is wrong in standard English but possible in very colloquial English and very common in black AmE. Also, an inversion in an affirmative sentence... not standard, of course

This song was released in the middle of deep recession times. While everything around us is sending us good reasons to feel down and worried, Kirk Frankling jumps in with an inspirational message: hey! Why the long faces? Don’t you know the good news?

The song basically says, sometimes I feel down, but this is God’s world and I trust everything’s just fine. That is indeed a powerful thought. If you know there is a purpose to life and everything is in good hands, then you know that things can’t go totally wrong, even if you can’t understand. Everything’s for good, so why worry? Just smile and be happy… or at least relax and hope (while you smile  : )

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