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Let there be morning (The Perishers) (Sweden)
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The Perishers is a Swedish indie band which is not very famous but has a little solid base of fans spread all over Europe. I love his voice and the songs, and I'm sorry I couldn't find any music video for this song, but this one is good enough.

Now the end is drawing near
I can’t believe it’s finally here
Take some time to pray for me
For what will be

Let the sun rise
Let the birds sing
Let there be light
Let there be morning
I don’t know how
I made it till now
Let there be light
Let there be morning
Let there be morning

Hello future goodbye past
Now each breath can be my last
Will I see another dawn?
Will I be reborn?

Let the sun rise
Let the birds sing
Let there be light
Let there be morning
I don’t know how
I made it till now
Let there be light
Let there be morning

Let the sun rise
Let the birds sing
Let there be light
Let there be morning
I don’t know how
I made it till now
Let there be light
Let there be morning

Let there be light
Let there be morning
Let there be light
Let there be morning

To be quite frank, I don't know exactly what they're talking about here, but it sounds like a person who is really depressed and feels like he's going to die. But at the same time he feels he just can't sink any further and now the only way is up, so he is sad, but optimistic about the future, and in a mixture of wishes and reality he announces "Let there be morning", just like God said "Let there be light" when He created the light in a universe which was only darkness.

But if you know something about these lyrics I'd love to know, maybe he's talking about a particular situation.

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