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L.I.L.Y. (Kate Ryan) (Belgium)
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L.I.L.Y. (Like I Love You). Here you can watch a video from one of the best singers in Europe: Kate Ryan (Katrien Verbeeck, 1980, Tessenderlo, Belgium). Although she is well known about her cover versions of songs from the past like Desenchantée or France Gall´s  Ella Elle L´a and Babacar (and some times with more succes than the originals) the fact is Kate´s career spans over 10 years and 5 studio albums. If you take the trouble to listening an entire cd of this artist, you´ll realise that her not so famous songs (original ones) are as interesting as the cover versions (or more) This song is taken from her album "Free" (2008) and it´s a good proof of that. Nice sound and catchy rithm so...enjoy it!

If I asked you to stay would you give me forever?
If I begged for your kisses would you give me more?
If I opened my heart and stood naked before you
Would you know how to stand there and look in my eyes?
Is it meant for just you or meant for someone else?
How can I, how can I be sure?
That you love me
Like I love you
How can I, how can I really believe?
That you're gonna love me
Like I love you
If I opened my heart and stood naked before you
Would you know how to stand there and look in my eyes?
Is it meant for just you or meant for someone else?
How can I, how can I be sure?
That you love me
Like I love you
How can I, how can I really believe?
That you're gonna love me
Like I love you
I won't lie about it
Not a day goes by
I don't think about it
Always on my mind
Do I dare to trust you?
Do I trust myself?
Is it meant for just you or meant for someone else?
How can I, how can I be sure?
That you love me
Like I love you
How can I, how can I really believe?
That you're gonna love me
Like I love you
How can I, how can I be sure?
That you love me
Like I love you
How can I, how can I really believe?
That you're gonna love me
Like I love you

Well, this is another example of song talking about love and trust. Is the love you feel for me strong enough to remain faithful by my side? May I say the same about my feelings to you? Questions I´m sure everybody have considered at certain point of our lives. And I´m sure Kate also!

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