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One Way Ticket (Eruption)
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A nice song from the past. I prefer the version by Boeny M but couldn't find a decent video.

One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket.
One way ticket to the blues.

Choo choo train
truckin' down the track
gotta travel on it
never comin' back
ooh ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.

Bye my love
my babe is leavin' me
now only teardrops are all that I can see.

Ooh ooh
got a one way ticket to the blues
gotta take a trip to Lonesome town
gonna stay at Heartbreak Hotel.

A fool such as I
there never was
I cry my tears away.

One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket.
One way ticket to the blues.

Choo choo train
truckin' down the track
gotta travel on it
never comin' back
ooh ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.

Hey now
Gotta go on
Truckin’ on, truckin’ on
got a one way ticket to the blues.

I gotta take a trip to Lonesome town
gonna stay at Heartbreak Hotel
ooh, a fool such as I
there never was
I cry my tears away.

One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket.
One way ticket to the blues.

Choo choo train
truckin' down the track
I gotta travel on it
never comin' back
ooh ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.
ooh ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.

I got my ticket
Oh, I’m truckin’ on
One way ticket
I’m leaving you
I got my ticket

ONE WAY TICKET (AmE) = One single ticket (BrE). It’s a ticket which is valid only for one trip, to go to a place, but not to come back (that would be a return ticket).
THE BLUES= Sadness.
CHOO CHOO= The sound that a train makes.
TRUCKING= The verb “to truck” in America means “to drive”, but here it is simply “to travel”.
TRUCKING DOWN THE TRACK= Travelling along the rail track (the iron bars on which the train goes).
GOT A ONE WAY TICKET= I’ve got a single ticket (no return).
GOTTA TAKE A TRIP= I have to make a trip.
LONESOME= Solitary, with no company.
HEARTBREAK= When your heart breaks you feel extremely sad.
A FOOL SUCH AS I (formal) = A silly person like me.

Her lover is leaving her forever. He's leaving on a train, and she says that she also has a one-way ticket to the blues; that means that she is also starting a journey without return, going to the land of sadness forever (no return).

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