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Tonight (TobyMac)
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An awesome Tobymac song from his new CD 'Tonight'

Featuring John Cooper, from Skillet.

Watch the official video here.

Everytime I try to go in alone I get shut down,
Locked up and held captive in the clutches of my down
We go back, we go forth,
We go back
I'm sick with vertigo
Weary of my ways, my days
My absent flow so
I wanna feel a new day
(There's gotta be more than this)
I wanna live a new way
(There's gotta be more)
I wanna feel a new day
(There's gotta be more than this)
I wanna live a new way
(There's just gotta be more)

Right here, right now
Under the stars, I promise you my heart

Cause it starts tonight!

We wanna rise,
We wanna touch the other side
(It starts tonight!)
We wanna soar
We wanna reach right out for more
(Cause it starts tonight!)
We wanna rise,
We wanna touch the other side
(It starts tonight)
We wanna soar,
We wanna reach right out for more
(Cause it starts tonight)

Can't feel like any night before
Under the sky full of stars
With hearts that want more
Like the rhythm no dam can hold
Being driven by a source overflowing our souls
Won't be like any night we have seen
It changes everything (e-e-e-e-everything)

Right here right now
Under the stars
I promise you my heart

Cause it starts tonight!

We wanna rise
We wanna touch the other side
(It starts tonight!)
We wanna soar
We wanna reach right out for more,

(Cause it starts tonight!)
We wanna rise,
We wanna touch the other side
(It starts tonight!)
We wanna soar,
We wanna reach right out for more
(Cause it starts tonight!)
Tonight tonight
Tonight tonight tonight

Sky full of stars with hearts that want more

So let us seize this night
Let us make off great
It's on like the break of dawn
c'mon ready
let us seize this night
Let us make off great
It's on like the break of da-a-a-a-wn


I wanna feel a new day
I wanna live a new way
(It starts tonight)
I wanna feel a new day
I wanna live a new way
(We don't wanna fall tonight!)
We wanna rise
We wanna touch the other side
(We wanna shine tonight!)
We wanna soar
We wanna reach right out for more
(We don't wanna fall tonight)
We wanna rise
We wanna touch the other side
(We wanna shine tonight!)
We wanna soar,
We wanna reach right out for more
(We don't wanna fall tonight)
Tonight tonight tonight

(We wanna shine tonight!)
Tonight tonight tonight

Cause it starts tonight!

This song is about the experience evangelicals call "to be born again". It is the moment when a person accepts God into his life and makes a promise to live for Him. That breaking-through moment is going to be TONIGHT:

His life was a mess, empty, without direction:

We go back, we go forth, we go back
I'm sick with vertigo

He's looking for something more, for a meaning, a light:

Weary of my ways, my days, my absent flow
I wanna feel a new day
(there's gotta be more than this)
I wanna live a new day

So he finally meets God and wants to accept Him as his saviour:

Right here, right now
Under the stars
I promise you my heart
Cause it starts tonight!

Now, this very night, a new life begins for him, fulfilling his need for transcendence:

We wanna rise, we wanna touch the other side
We wanna soar, we wanna reach right out for more

And that powerful emotion is

Like the rhythm no dam can hold
Being driven by a source overflowing our souls
Won't be like anything we have seen
It changes everything

He's inviting everyone to have that same experience of discovering God, that's why he constantly uses the plural WE, as if his experience is just an example of what many people go through, everybody can go through.


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