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You were there (Libera)
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Libera is a non-profit all-boy English vocal group directed by Robert Prizeman. Most members come from the parish choir of St. Philip's, Norbury, in South London.

Here they sing a prayer dedicated to the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus.

soloist: Tom Cully


You were there in everything I knew
From the moment I began.
Always there in every way I go.
Saved me falling, held my hand.

You are shelter from the storm.
The shadows fade away, all cares pass away.
As hour by hour, day by day
Your love lightens up the sky
As it shines across the night.
Ave, regina caelorum decora
Virgo gloriosa, ave!

And when the end of day is come,
Stay with me through the dark and bring me home.

You are there whichever way I go.
Keep me safely night and day.
Always there, whenever I'm alone,
Hear me calling, show the way.

You are shelter from the storm,
The shadows fade away, all cares pass away.
As hour by hour, day by day;
Your love lightens up the sky
As it shines across the night.
Ave, regina caelorum decora
Virgo gloriosa, ave!

And when the end of day is come,
Stay with me through the dark and bring me home.

Stay with me through the dark and bring me home.

These Latin verses are taken from Medieval prayers. Here is the translation into modern English:
Ave, regina caelorum decora
Virgo gloriosa, ave!

Hail, beautiful Queen of Heaven
Glorious Virgin, Hail!

"Hail" is an ancient salutation which means "hello", but much more formal and beautiful. It is the Old English equivalent to the Latin "Ave"

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