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Activity Drag&Drop
Activity Drag&Drop
Practise the usage and structure of EVERY and also when to use ALL or BOTH instead.

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Click on the words at the bottom and drag them into the empty boxes of the sentence to complete it. When more than one solution is possible, always CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION.


It is used before a singular noun, and needs a singular verb

Every day is different (not: every days are different)
Every child was sleeping

Not every child was sleeping, two of them were talking

But if we use a pronoun or possessive with EVERY, we normally use it in the plural (especially when talking about people including both sexes)

Every student took their book and went away (...took his/her book... is very formal)
I can't phone every person in town to tell them the news
Suddenly, every child woke up and they all started to cry
but if it's only male or female: Every woman must fight for her children (or: their children)

The same is true for compounds with EVERY: everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere

Everybody is free to do it or not
I talked to everyone to convince them that they should help
Everything was clear to me
I looked for my dog everywhere, but couldn't find him



The meaning is basically the same, but they use different structures
Every is = All are
Every child needs love = All children need love
Every light was out = All the lights were out
We don't use EVERY in front of articles, possessives or demonstratives, or with uncountable nouns
- All the birds flew away (not: every the birds)
- I've written to all my friends (not: to every my friends)
- All those people were looking for a restaurant (not: every those people)
- I like all music (not: every music)

If we only talk about two people or things, we use BOTH
- I have three sons. They all have a car
- I have two sons. They both have a car
- We both need a break

As a subject, BOTH goes in "mid-position" (before normal verbs, after special verbs: modals and auxiliaries)
- we're both Spanish
- we both work here


Gapped text Items
Every ______________________ had a different colour flowers / flower
Everybody ______________________ this song likes / like
Every ______________________ fantastic days were / day was
Everything ______________________ destroyed during the hurricane was / were
We bought a toy for every ______________________ chidren / child
Where have you been? I've been looking for you ______________________ every place / every places / every where / everywhere
Every ______________________ a title book has / books have
Not everybody ______________________ happy with the new law were / was
Not every animal ______________________ a name have / has
Everybody's downstairs waiting for you. Go and talk to ______________________. them / him / her
Every boy has a box, but ______________________ are all empty their boxes / his box
Every man tries to protect ______________________ family his / their
Every person tries to protect ______________________ family his / their / her
Every ______________________ you showed me ______________________ different, but I like ______________________ all are / him / is / it / sweater / her / sweaters / them
I have 10 cats. In the morning, every ______________________ ______________________ to the kitchen and I give ______________________ some milk. her / them / its / cats / comes / them / him / cat / come / it
Every ______________________ came to my door wagging ______________________ little tail his / dogs / her / their / dog
If you want everybody out of your house, go downstairs and tell ______________________ to get out. her / them / his
Everybody had ______________________ shoes muddy her / his / their
Every student brought ______________________ photograph their / his / her
Look for every picture of him in the house and burn ______________________ them / him / her / it
The countryside was beautiful, there were flowers ______________________. all places / all the place / everywhere
______________________ you go, you can find someone who speaks English Everywhere / to all places / in every place
Come on, ______________________ ______________________ waiting for you every ones / are / all people / every one / everyone / is
It is very difficult to choose, I like ______________________ every things / all thing / everything
He had ______________________ eyes red all / every / both
______________________ my legs are hurting Every / Both / All
There is a big tree and a small tree. ______________________ trees are near the wall. All / Both / Every
Otello or Hamlet? I think ______________________ ______________________ are fascinating. every / story / stories / all / both
I have 2 boys and a girl. ______________________ my ______________________ ______________________ got blue eyes. has / Both / have / Every / All / son / sons
______________________ books ______________________ something interesting to tell Every / has / All / have
______________________ my friends ______________________ in Rome All / Every / live / lives
______________________ the ______________________ in the shop ______________________ imported flowers / flower / were / Every / All / was
______________________ the ______________________ in the factory ______________________ broken All / was / were / windows / window / Every
They lost ______________________ hope every / all
______________________ useful information was transferred to the police department Every / All
______________________ waters ______________________ polluted Every / were / was / All
______________________ the little houses were painted in blue Every / Both / All
______________________ the tables were dirty Every / All
______________________ these people are looking for a job Both / All / Every
Total number of items: 39
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