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Time connectors (simultaneous actions, etc.)

Time connectors (simultaneous actions, etc.)
Activity Drag&Drop
Activity Drag&Drop
Here we are going to practise how to express events that happen at the same time and also some other emphatic forms. The numbers show the order of events (1+1 for simultaneous actions). Punctuation is also important for your choice.

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Click on the right connectors at the bottom and drag them into the empty boxes of the sentence to complete it.


BEFORE (c.) (f.c.) (p.)
      Wake me up before you go (c.)
      Enter the house, but before, you have to disconnect the alarm system (f.c.)
      Don’t just open the door. Before that, ask who is knocking (f.c.)
      I met Charles before lunch (p.)

WHEN (c.)
      When I opened the door, the dog looked at me and went out  (First I open the door, then, the dog goes out)
If we want to emphasise that the second actions happens immediately after the first one:
      Phone me as soon as you see her
      The moment I saw her, I lost control



AFTER (c.) (p.)
       After the bomb exploded, everything was quiet
       I went out after work
THEN (f.c.)
LATER (f.c.)

Later suggests an interval of time between both actions. Afterwards and then can be used when there is an interval of time or when the second action takes place immediately after the first one.

      There was an explosion. Afterwards/Then, everything was quiet
      She had a shower. Later/Afterwards/Then, she went for a walk

If we want to show that the second action happens quickly and unexpectedly we use:
      I saw her. Suddenly, I lost control



FIRST (f.c.) often used with "then" or also with "second", "third", etc.
      First, go into the house, then, go upstairs and wait for me
      First, switch it on. Second, search for the channel, and last, adjust the volume



if both actions are long, we usually use:
WHILE (c.)
     While Mary was studying, Peter was painting
     Mary was studying. Meanwhile, Peter was painting
if one action is long and the other one is short or instantaneous:
AS (c.)
WHEN (c.)
WHILE (c.)
      As / When / While I was walking down the street, I saw a rabbit


abbreviations:  (c.)= conjunction   (f.c.)= free connector (p.)= preposition    (see the important difference here: Kinds of Connectors)



Gapped text Items
1- He sat reading the paper + 1- The door opened = ______________________ he sat reading the paper, the door opened. as / then / after / first / later / afterwards / before
1- I get older + 1- I get optimistic = ______________________ I get older, ______________________ I get more optimistic. -- / afterwards / then / after / later / first / before / as
1- I was coming here + 1- I found this in the street = ______________________ I was coming here, I found this in the street. first / afterwards / as / later / after / before / then
1- I was looking for her + 1- She saw me = ______________________ I was looking for her, ______________________ she saw me. then / first / before / as / -- / after / later / afterwards
1- He was walking down the street + 1- His phone rang = ______________________ he was walking down the street, his phone rang. later / then / after / first / before / afterwards / when
1- She was making dinner + 1- Her sister came to visit = ______________________ she was making dinner, ______________________ her sister came to visit. after / later / first / as / -- / before / then / afterwards
1- Jack was having a shower + 1- The telephone rang = ______________________ Jack was having a shower, the telephone rang. before / then / as / afterwards / after / first / later
1- She was going out + 1- Her cousin arrived = ______________________ she was going out, her cousin arrived. later / first / after / before / then / afterwards / when
1- They saw me + 2- (immediately) They started to shoot = ______________________ they saw me, they started to shoot. before / later / then / afterwards / The moment
1- She heard the news + 2- (immediately) She phoned me = She phoned me ______________________ she heard the news. later / then / before / as soon as / afterwards
1- They were going to Canterbury + 1- They saw something very strange = ______________________ they were going to Canterbury, ______________________ they saw something very strange. first / as / -- / afterwards / after / later / then / before
1- Have fun + 1- You are here = Have fun ______________________ you are here. later / after / then / as soon as / while / afterwards / as / before
1- He is in a meeting + 1- You can wait here = He is in a meeting. You can wait here ______________________. as soon as / after / as / then / meanwhile / later / before
1- I saw her with him + 2- (quickly and unexpectedly) I lost control = I saw her with him. ______________________, I lost control. Suddenly / then / while / meanwhile / before / after / as / as soon as
1- I was having a rest + 2- (quickly and unexpectedly) I remembered she was waiting = I was having a rest, but ______________________, I remembered she was waiting. suddenly / while / meanwhile / as soon as / then / as / before
1- when I can visit you + 2- (immediately) I'll go and visit you = I'll go and visit you ______________________ I can. as soon as / meanwhile / as / after / then / before
1- Everything is ready + 2- (immediately) I'll go there = I'll go there ______________________ everything is ready. as soon as / while / then / as / before / after / later
1- There was a big noise and everybody stopped + 2- (quickly and unexpectedly) Everybody started to run = There was a big noise and everybody stopped. ______________________, everybody started to run. While / Meanwhile / As soon as / Suddenly / then / As / after / Before
1- You left + 2- (1 minute later) Everything started = Everything was started ______________________ you left. after / before / suddenly / the moment / while / meanwhile
1- I went out + 2- (immediately) It started to rain = It started to rain ______________________ I went out. before / after / meanwhile / suddenly / the moment / while
1- Mary was studying + 1- Peter was paining = Mary was studying. ______________________, Peter was painting. Later / Then / As soon as / After / Before / As / When / Meanwhile
1- Mary was studying + 1- Peter was painting = Mary was studying ______________________ Peter was painting. the moment / then / as soon as / suddenly / before / while / after
1- She was sleeping + 1- I phoned you = She was sleeping ______________________ I phoned you. before / suddenly / the moment / when / as soon as / after
1- He had a beer + 1- She was talking on the phone = He had a beer ______________________ she was talking on the phone. the moment / then / suddenly / after / while / before / meanwhile / later
1- He had a beer + 1- She was talking on the phone = He had a beer. ______________________, she was talking on the phone. as / After / Then / Before / when / Then / Meanwhile / The moment
Total number of items: 25
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