Section of English Grammar

Try mSpy Phone Tracker for Your Kid's Safety

Brush Your Teeth
Touch a word or the <play> button for sound
Click on a word or on the <play> button for sound
Click on a word or on the red <play> button for sound

Animated cartoons that contain kindergarten and preschool songs with new characters and popular, didactic songs for children and grown ups HAPPY

when you wake up in the morning
It's quarter to one and you want to have a little fun
You brush your teeth
You brush your teeth

when you wake up in the morning
It's quarter to two and you want to find something to do
You brush your teeth
You brush your teeth

when you wake up in the morning
It's quarter to three and you mind starts humming twiddle-lee-dee
You brush your teeth
You brush your teeth

when you wake up in the morning
It's quarter to four and you think you hear a knock on the door
You brush your teeth (who is it?=
You brush your teeth

when you wake up in the morning
It's quarter to five and you just can't wait to come alive
You brush your teeth
You brush your teeth

That feels good. Nice and fresh.

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