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Cat vs Cat & Printer - The Translation
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Two brother cats quarrelling over a printer.

- It's taking me all day to get this going so you touch it, I will kill you, I will scream.
- ... if I put my paw...
- Aaaaah, yes, I would do this, I would scream all day.
- What if I... what if I put my paw near the +++ switch off button? If I just...
- Aaaaah, I'm telling you, I will carry on screaming. Mum!
- Well, you can't, you can't get mad though for just... put my paw on the printer.
- I can, because this...
- If it's just on the corner of the printer you can't get angry.
- No, you don't need to.
- If I just leave it up...
- I will break your paw. And I'll break your face off.
- Come on.
- No, I'll break your face off.
- You know what mum said. She said "share".
- But you're not sharing.
- Alright? and I just wanna touch the corner.
- No, you're just winding me up. No, you're winding me up.
- Just there, alright? That's it.
- Look at my tail, I'm not happy.
- I'm not doing anything else, just leaving it there, and +++ any time, move it forward gently, I stare at your paw. If you move it I will kill you. But... don't... oh, +++++

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