Phonetics with M-E

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I've got the joy
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A very popular song in camps and Sunday schools with subtitles.

Nevertheless, the usual "where?" cry is not used in this song, which is a pity because children enjoy that the most. The third paragraph is also missing so I transcribe it here:

I’ve got the peace that passes understanding
Down in my heart (where?)
Down in my heart (where?)
Down in my heart
I’ve got the peace that passes understanding
Down in my heart (where?)
Down in my heart to stay

You can see another video including the where? and the motions that usually accompany the song: The Joy Song.

I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart (where?)
Down in my heart (where?)
Down in my heart
I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart (where?)
Down in my heart to stay

I’ve got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus
Down in my heart (where?)
Down in my heart (where?)
Down in my heart
I’ve got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus
Down in my heart (where?)
Down in my heart to stay

I’ve got the wonderful love of my blessed Redeemer
Way down in the depths of my heart (where?)
Down in the depths of my heart (where?)
Down in the depths of my heart
I’ve got the wonderful love of my blessed Redeemer
Way down in the depths of my heart (where?)
Down in the depths of my heart to stay

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