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The little chick cheep -il pucino pio in English
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Click on a word or on the <play> button for sound
Click on a word or on the red <play> button for sound

Learn animals and sounds. The famous Italian hit now in English.

If you want to see the funny original video, in Italian, click here:


Il pucino pio.

On the radio there's a little chick
On the radio there's a little chick
and the ckick cheep
and the ckick cheep
and the ckick cheep
and the ckick cheep
and the ckick cheep
and the ckick cheep

On the radio there's a little...

and the bull muu
the cow moo
the lamb bah
and the goat mah
and the dog woof
and the cat mew
and the pigeon cru cru
and the turkey gobble gobble
and the cock-a-doodle-doo
and the hen co-co
and the ckick cheep
and the ckick cheep
and the ckick cheep
and the ckick cheep

On the radio there's a little tractor
On the radio there's a little tractor
and the tractor brumm
the tractor brumm
the tractor brumm
and the ckick... oh oh!

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