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Remedy (Little Boots)
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Little Boots composed "Remedy" in Los Angeles with RedOne over a two-day period. RedOne also helped Lady Gaga produced the hit "Just Dance". She initially found working with RedOne intimidating because their collaboration was expected to produce a hit song. It soon climbed to number 6 in the UK top 40 chart, though it could never make it further than that.

This electropop song is a bit in the style of Lady Gaga, superficial, catchy and fun to dance.

RedOne helped produce this song and another one by Lady Gaga:

Just Dance

As you can see, both are a bit similar: superficial and very catchy, great for a disco.

I can see you stalking like a predator,
I’ve been here before.
Temptation calls like Adam to the apple,
But I will not be caught.
Cause I can read those velvet eyes,
And all I see is lies.

No more poison killing my emotion,
I will not be frozen
Dancing is my remedy remedy oh.
Stop stop praying cause I'm not not playing,
I’m not frozen.
Dancing is my remedy remedy oh.
Move while you’re watching me
Dance with the enemy
I've got a remedy oh uh oh uh oh
Move while you’re watching me
Dance with the enemy
Here is my remedy oh uh oh uh oh

Spin me faster like a kaleidoscope
All I’ve got’s the floor.
Yeah you can try but I’ve found the antidote,
Music is the cure.
So you can try to paralyse
But I know best this time

No more poison killing my emotion,
I will not be frozen
Dancing is my remedy remedy oh.
Stop stop praying cause I'm not not playing,
I’m not frozen.
Dancing is my remedy remedy oh.
Move while you’re watching me
Dance with the enemy
I've got a remedy oh uh oh uh oh
Move while you’re watching me
Dance with the enemy
Here is my remedy oh uh oh uh oh

la da da da da da da da la da da
da da da da da da da da la da

And when the music fades away
I know I’ll be ok
Contagious rhythms in my brain
Let it play

No more poison killing my emotion,
I will not be frozen
Dancing is my remedy remedy oh.
Stop stop praying cause I'm not not playing,
I’m not frozen
Dancing is my remedy remedy, oh
Move while you’re watching me
Dance with the enemy
I've got a remedy oh uh oh uh oh
Move while you’re watching me
Dance with the enemy
Here is my remedy oh uh oh uh oh

Move while you’re watching me
Dance with the enemy
I've got a remedy oh uh oh uh oh
Move while you’re watching me
Dance with the enemy
Here is my remedy oh uh oh uh oh

STALK= To move threateningly or menacingly, like when someone is following you hidden in the dark.

PREDATOR= An animal that hunts other animals to eat. Lions and wolves are predators, sheep and rabbits are preys.

I'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE= I know this situation, I've got experience.

TEMPTATION CALLS LIKE ADAM TO THE APPLE= According to the book of Genesis (in the Bible), Adam was the first man and Eve the first woman. The Devil tempted them using an apple (a forbidden fruit). This sentence says that temptation calls (me) the same as Adam was called to the apple (he was tempted with the apple).

CAUSE= Because.

VELVET= A very soft and smooth fabric (see picture). Velvet eyes are beautiful eyes that make you feel smooth and comfortable, like when you touch velvet.

I CAN READ THOSE VELVET EYES= I know what you are thinking when you look at me trying to seduce me.

I WILL NOT BE FROZEN= I will not be paralized.

REMEDY= Solution to a problem or illness.

PRAYING= Talking to God, usually to ask for something.

I'M NOT PLAYING= You're trying to seduce me but I don't want to play that "game" with you. When talking about love relationships, to play (or "to play the game") is any of the different strategies people use to seduce the other person (as opposed to sincere, honest and straight-forward behaviour).

SPIN= Make me turn around fast; make me rotate quickly.

KALEIDOSCOPE /kəldəskəʊp/ (see picture). A tube-shaped optical instrument that is rotated to produce a succession of symmetrical designs by means of mirrors reflecting the constantly changing patterns made by bits of coloured glass at one end of the tube. (many of the images on this video have a kaleidoscope effect)

ANTIDOTE= If you drink poison (or a poisonous animal bites you) the antidote is a medicine that can counteract the poison and neutralize it.

CURE= /kjɔ:*/ Something that restores your health when you're ill.

PARALYSE= If you paralyse a person or animal you stop all their movements. If you are paralysed, you can't move.

I KNOW BEST= I'm wiser, I'm more clever.

FADES AWAY= Slowly disappears.

CONTAGIOUS= /kəntdʒəs/ A contagious illness is transmitted from one person to another (like flue and cold). A contagious rhythm is music that makes you want to dance (the rhythm passes easily from the song to your body and you want to move to the beat).

RHYTHM= /rɪðəm/ The beat; the pattern of musical movement through time.

According to Little Boots, "Remedy" "is about dancing and music being a remedy to some kind of poison in your life. I wanted to write a dark dance pop song a bit like Britney Spears' Toxic. The lyrics are not really very personal, I was more imagining a situation."

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